Some artists will shade with quick flicks of the wrist, and apply
pressure at the starting point of the stroke, while gradually lifting
up on the end of the stroke to create a dark to light effect. Others
will “scrub” the needle against the skin, and use the pressure
of their hand to vary the darkness. It is possible to work in
circular motions and use different pigments with different values
to achieve the subtle fade of a gradient as well.


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  1. eackerson 13 years ago

    is it possible to get the light to dark shade with only using witch hazel mixture using just circular motion shading

    • admin 13 years ago

      You can use a solid black pigment – then dilute w/ witch hazel or water – and as long as the machine is running soft, you can get some good blending.

  2. Bent 13 years ago

    Is “cheese shaping” just “stippling?”

    • admin 13 years ago

      not sure what you mean by cheese shaping!? email me to get fast response please: [email protected] or try the forum!

  3. qford82 13 years ago

    I was wondering where I could find different types of shading techniques like cheese shading. Where could I found out what they all look like?

    • admin 13 years ago

      cheese shading? not sure if I follow you.
      feel free to email me directly [email protected] or check out the forum for answer…

    • admin 13 years ago

      Not sure what you mean by cheese shading

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