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    • #14020

      A few weeks back, I did a piece on my own outer thigh. I’ve had it planned for quite some time as part of my bodysuit, and I just felt that I should do it myself. Sitting on the floor to work the area was pretty awkward, and some of the lines went a bit wonky. I would’ve corrected it the following day, but I didn’t have the supplies to do so, so I’ve had to wait till it healed to re-work it. I added basket-weave shading on the inner lines, as well as re-lining them with a thicker needle to try and disguise/correct the lines which were a bit wonky. I also re-lined and re-saturated one of the triangles, as the original line was slightly too small. It’s not perfect, but I’m happy with the outcome, and really looking forward to seeing how it looks once the new ink has blended in with the old :)


    • #17599

      I remember the first picture. You did a great job finishing it up. I think, for myself anyway, correcting mistakes is going to be a big part of what we do initially.

    • #17600

      @TexasPT wrote:

      I remember the first picture. You did a great job finishing it up. I think, for myself anyway, correcting mistakes is going to be a big part of what we do initially.

      Thanks, bro, I’m pleased with what I’ve done, as I pretty much achieved what I set out to do, I just can’t wait to see how it looks once it’s healed up :D And learning to correct mistakes is all good experience for when it comes to doing coverups on clients :)

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