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    • #14677
    • #20471

      around the neck and chest tattoo? – cool! 8-)

    • #20472

      No actually the wire will go around the arm the guy that wants it is very large so the wire will go up around near his pit and the cross will kinda hang down on his bicep

    • #20473

      that’s a big dude! :shock: lol – just a suggestion – weave it in and out of the skin……like cut it close to the cross with a lil blood drip and start it up a little higher up on the arm and so on and so forth…….just somethin to think about…… :geek:

    • #20474

      That does sound cool, ill bring it up to him see what he thinks.. he didn’t give me any specifics just a barbed wire tied into a Celtic cross. I never drew them knots before so that was my big focus . But yeah I like your idea with the wire man thanks :)

    • #20475

      ur welcome – i’m gladd u like the idea – and to add to that – you can also give the bottom of the cross more background shaddin to make it look like the cross is off the skin – if u can picture what i just said…….to practice that effect – get a cross and put a direct light on it and see how the shaddow looks behind it – even take a picture when you get the effect u like – i don’t know if u wanna take it that far but these are just some ideas ……. :mrgreen:

    • #20476

      I thought about putting a shadow behind it but instead of just at the bottom like its standing was gonna do the whole left side like the cross is laying on the arm but above it a bit.. I might still yet do that

    • #20477

      cool – post a pic when it’s all said and done…. 8-)

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