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    • #14784


      So I am NEW! even have my blue sterile dot! Firstly I am Irish, living in Ireland live in a tiny town we have two tattoo studios which lives me very limited in my options for an apprenticeship. I approached them two of them with my art portfolio both where interested in me. did some research on both studios one has multiple shops and the other is ..um.. a colorful character! The guy with the shops around Ireland said he cant afford an apprentice at the mo as he has three working for him but he liked my art and we worked out a deal that I tattoo fruit and practice skin bring it to him and he will ensure I dont mangle (destroy) the skin of the fruit, i decided i would try and learn a little more so i approached the “colorful character” he brought me to his shop for a day, even i knew it was terrible as he smoked in the “sterile room” and when I asked him about shading tattoos and why he seemed to avoid it he got narky. We came to logger heads and I stopped going to his shop. So now I am meeting up with the original guy once a month. I have been tattooing fruit for the last month and thought my self about the machine. I worked in a hospital for 7 years and have a excellent under standing of hygiene and cross contamination. All of which my tutor knows.

      So why am I here…. Well as lovely as my tutor is he cant be with me every day to answer my random questions and boy do i have questions. I am not a scratcher I am not tattooing anyone nor saying I am a tattoo artist, I am learning! and its early days for me yet.

      I have tattooed my self as my tutor said that before I can under stand what it is like to tattoo a human I have to learn on my self! which I gladly accepted!!!! (yeah more tattoos) I have 9 professionally done but I have been on the wrong end of a tattoo machine with a “scratcher” and have the crappy tattoo to prove it! So I know the good the bad and the ugly!

      Please before you hate on me give me a chance! In Ireland you can get tattooed but there is no right way or wrong way to learn! you have to have morals when doing it, I am trying to learn the best way I can!


    • #20850

      welcome. i would love to see some of your artwork, please post. this site has a really small pic size limit, so it’s better if you can post a larger pic elsewere and then post the link to it. tattooing is in the details, and we can’t help if we can’t see the details.
      i went to Ireland for 2 weeks last month and it was amazing. by far one of my favorite trips ever.
      another great site to check out is XXXXXX. there is a small membership fee, but it was worth every penny in my opinion. there are a lot of professional artists on that site who really know their stuff and are willing to help you as long as you stay honest with yourself.

    • #20851

      Welcome!! There are a lot of really great people here.

      What is a “blue sterile dot”?

    • #20852

      Aw thanks guys :)

      Um blue sterile dot is whats in the package of a needle it turns blue after sterilization. Means ya brand new and squeaky clean :)

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