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    • #15358

      So as some of you know I got an eviction notice from my home on July. 28th. I’ve been working tirelessly to move my stuff out of my place, and luckily found a new place for aug. 1st. am hoping to be able to afford this on my own. as I was evicted and had to get out pretty much ASAP I currently don’t have internet or phone, and since I had internet I never got an internet plan for my cell phone haha. the practice lessons will be a little slow until August. 14th when I get my internet set up. Also, a forewarning. My birthday is August 29th. I’ll be turning 24. I may not be online that day. I’m hoping to get a new machine for my birthday but we’ll see how that pans out :D

    • #23518

      No worries, Happy early Birthday, just in case lol

    • #23519

      haha thanks bro :D

    • #23520

      Hahaha and an early congrats from me too. Hope you get that new machine :mrgreen:

    • #23521

      Hey Ram, hope you get settled in calm and relax. Incase you’re not on before your B.day well Happy B.day or how we say here in PR “FELICIDADES!!” Hope you get the machine you want and enjoy it to its fullest! Best wishes in all. See ya soon! :D

    • #23522

      thanks everyone!
      Felicidades yay!
      Feliz Complianos is another one right? :O

    • #23523

      I only know feliz navidad lol

    • #23524

      i took spanish in High School. I dont remember if it was mexico spanish, or spain spanish though D:

    • #23525

      Is there a difference?

    • #23526

      not sure but my teacher always specified it was one not the other so maybe?

    • #23527

      Then lets try a piece of Danish then ;)

      Tillykke med fødselsdagen :D

    • #23528

      Now that is a language I will probably never learn :?

    • #23529

      Its a bit special, since we have 3 characters none other country has. And thats Æ (combined A and E) Ø (O and E) and Å which is …. ummmh…. Å… pronounced like oh I think is the closest ;)

    • #23530

      Its not that, usually I can translate pretty well through vocabulary. I was looking at that and had no idea of what to reference to get from Point A to Point B.

      I googled it though

    • #23531

      i had a friend who lived in Denmark that was going to teach me Danish but we had a falling out so i didnt get to learn anything D:

    • #23532

      Oh… Well. There is only a few words you need to know, to thrive in Denmark;


      The last one I asume you can recognise ;)

      And a few things you need to know.

      Every big city has biciclelanes. And most of the time its easier to take the bike, then the car…

      Danes, unfortunately holds the record for the country that drinks the most. (which is disturbing actually) If your plan on going to a danish party. Be prepared to get wasted. Especially if you claim you can hold you liqour. (Thats the kicker, say it, and everybody at the party will make it their mission to get you so wasted as humanly possible. Even going to that stage, were your arse is hauled to the hospital to get alcohol pumped out of you)

      Danes, at first site, are actually quite closed. Looking arrogent. Annoyed at you. Not friendly. But this is just until you ask. And if you ask in english, mind you, most of us, in Denmark have been schooled in the english language, since 3 grade. And we will answer you in a well polished school correctly english tone. Perhaps 10 % dosent speak english. So no bad talking in english, we understand you. ;)
      We have been called a Coconut sociaty. Meaning, if you can get through the surface, your already on your way to the middle.

      And food…. I’m not that big of a food lover, I only eat to survive. But I’ve heard that Denmark has the top best restaurant in the whole world. Its some crazy place called Noma or something, were there is eddible dirt, and so on. Its more like a fancy lab. And a menu starting price at 280$ I’m not that eager to try it.
      But they say, Denmark has great food… :?

    • #23533

      i love food
      im surprised im not more than 180 lbs. if i could eat all day every day i would.
      thanks for that amazing reply! :D
      if you havent noticed by my pretty consistent string of replied i have internet and phone back haha

    • #23534

      Toilet? What is this? Is it in the french? Eau de Toilette? Which is actually cologne. France is weird.

      Anyways, I might give it a shot. But not until after I’ve learned all the romantic languages( Italian, Spanish, French), then German. After that I feel like everything else will be cake. I already know Latin which is a good base for everything

    • #23535

      Great for you Ram. Life without internet… Well I have lived it once, dont know how I could ;)

      Actually how you pronounce the word Eau, there is a slight w sound at the end of it right? Remove that w, stil having the word Eau in mind.
      With out that w at the end, you have like a dumbfounded sound. Now sing the Ea out loud. (again with out the sound of the w at the end)
      Now you are actually saying a danish letter called Ø. :D Stand alone, this means an island.
      En Ø = An Island

      Remember to sing the vovels.

      To pronounce En. pull the english letter N, stretch the sound of it.

      Now you’ve learn = En Ø
      Nnnnnnn Eau(with out the w at the end)

      But there are two sets of pronouncing the letter Ø. One as we just complete, which is the softer one.
      The second is a much harder version.

      Its basically, lets say you get puched in the guts, and all your air gets out in a quick burst. Then have the the Eau (without the w) in mind. But this time, its only half as long. Short burst Ø.
      But the hard “ø” isent used all that lot, but still there ;)

    • #23536

      yay learning!

    • #23537

      I soaked up so very little of that knowledge lol, but at least I know some knew Danish sounds!

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