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    • #15490

      Need some outside advice/ideas.
      I have this friend, the one I made this one on;

      And she donated all of her back, to me. I got free hands in what I should do. The theme is Nordic Vikings and gods. And I have already decided her right side.
      A long ship in a thunderstorm, being attacked by the Midgard Serpent. The lightning moves up towards the sky, where a portrait of Thor and Mjølner (His hammer) sits amongst the thundering clouds. I’ve already begun the design of this.

      But what I need some ideas in, is my friends left side, this is were the Jellinge Stone sits.
      I was thinking on turning that side into a more feminine side, and perhaps using Freyja the Goddess of love, but also war. But what in between the portrait of her, and the runic stone? Any ideas on this particular piece? Anything is welcomed :D

    • #24673

      mmmm, killer mermaids? 8-) :twisted: should look nice between the storm and all…

    • #24674

      Or a Draugr

    • #24675

      Killer mermaids??? I dont think she would want that :lol:

      And a Draugen well, a nice idea, but, thats on the side, I’ve already begun the design.
      What I need ideas on, is her other side. With the runic stone.

      (idea struck me on her lower back. We are going to Helheim, ruled by Hel. The death god and her realm)

    • #24676

      A Valkyrie would be pretty cool

    • #24677

      there are a plethora of other goddess you could throw in there: Sif, and Frigg are among them. Frigg would work well as she is the wife of Odin and the mother of Thor. you could also always add Tanngrisnir and Tanngnjóstr along with Thor. Theres also Valhalla which is a very beautiful place you could place on the more feminine side as well

    • #24678

      Idea just popped into my head. Thanks Ram

      We have the rune relic. Then turning the background into a kind of peacefull medow, (perhaps, having Heimdal scuring the scene) and as we move up, we will have Valhal, shining in the horisont, turning up towards a peacefull sky were perhaps Frigg would be in the calm clouds. And turning towards the Thor side, the calm sky, would turn into the thundering roaring clouds of Thor.

      And again the bottom part should be the more darker side of the religion. Having Hel, and her farther Loki, Were Loki should have his usual conspirering look.

      (*Should find a place for Fenris, then we have all of Lokis children*)

      Ahh man, ideas just flooding now….. :lol:

    • #24679

      It’s funny cause thinking about the tattoo I’m getting in a few weeks is Norse mythology inspired.
      I’m getting the Loki mask from the 1994 film ” The MASK” XD

    • #24680

      The Mask is a very terrible misrepresentation of the Norse Religion. They have many many inconsistencies with the religion.

      i think a could idea for Loki is to have him strapped to the stone with the giant python dripping poison onto his face :P

      sorry Loki isnt my favourite person haha

      if you did find space for Fenrisulfr it would be kewl to have the torn rope of rare materials around his neck. The story of how Tyr loses his arms is one of my favourites.

      You think Kratos is a kewl god of War? Imagine getting pwnt by a one armed epic dude named Tyr :P

    • #24681

      I find Loki funny, there are a danish cartoon/comic called Valhalla, And Loki is just this kunny snake of a god man. Hes a likable fella loool

      And Tyr, translated to english his name is Bull. Another note, tyr is the name given to Tirsdag translated old norse Tyr’s day, og translated again Tuesday in english ;D

      And yes the Mask is a bit, not related to the norse religion ;)

    • #24682

      they dont use Tyr though they use Tiw. He has many many names: Teiews, Tyr, Tiw, Zio, etc. I just prefer Tyr.

      Sunday: Sunnandæg – Sun’s Day
      Monday: Mōnandæg – Moon’s Day
      Tuesday: Tīwesdæg – Tiw’s Day
      Wednesday: Wōdnesdæg – Odin’s Day
      Thursday: Þūnresdæg – Thor’s Day
      Friday: Frīgedæg – Frig’s Day
      Saturday: Sæturnesdæg – Saturn’s Day

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