The author of this publication has taken as much effort as possible to provide correct factual
information. Nothing in this text is considered official regulation or advice as far as state related
tattoo or body modification legislation. This book is not to be utilized as a substitute for written
legislation from any of the local laws that may apply to the reader.
The author is not responsible for the actions taken by the reader. The author stresses that the
only way an individual can properly learn to tattoo is by completing an apprenticeship in conjunction
with following country, state, and county requirements. IAW (In Accordinance With) local
laws and OSHA regulations you may not even be permitted to tattoo in your city or state. There
is a serious risk that can occur any time that an individual comes in contact with bodily fluids
from the client or the tattoo professional.
This book is meant to be an apprentice’s guide in conjunction with formal classroom training,
not a substitute for. The author of this publication has taken care to attempt to source all quoted
materials. Most of the tattoo techniques described in this book are derived from a verbal heritage
of many tattoo artists, and are considered to be common knowledge. The author of this text does
not contend to hold intellectual property rights to any tattoo technique.
A lot of effort went into the composition of this text, and the author has expressed his consent for
anyone who wishes to note specific sections of this text without written consent. Reproduction of
this text in its entirety is prohibited without consent.
Copyright ©2009 by Tattoo Books Online LLC, Phoenix Arizona. All rights reserved. Printed in
China. Except as permitted under the Copyright Act of 1976, no part of this publication may be
reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, or stored in a database retrieval system,
without written permission of the publisher.
Please tattoo at your own risk in a professional studio or tattoo shop. The author of this text does
not condone or promote tattooing at home. This publication is for educational purposes only. The
author provides no warranty or guarantee for those who purchase or utilize this publication, and
assumes no liability for the actions taken by following procedures in this book.
Expressed Liability of Content – from BFMT
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Tattoo Machine Assembly (from welcome tattoo – DVD Disk 1)
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Again, with an Allen key, remove the rear spring mounting screw from the rear upright of the frame, setting...
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Tattoo Radar ( is a website for professional tattoo artist gear reviews
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Sumi™ inks are available as well to tattoo artists. These inks will have a very smooth grey appearance in...
The Dime Gap
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Often times you will hear an artist talk about the importance of the dime gap. There is some debate...
Contact Screw Adjustments
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Some effects can be achieved simply by tightening the contact screw, or moving its tip closer to the armature...
Less is more when it comes to tattoo power..
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It is commonly accepted that the less voltage you need to use to obtain a solid running machine, the...
Hit versus Momentum
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When speaking of how hard a machine runs we are generally speaking about the hit of the machine. When...
Earning your ink
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The feeling of getting a tattoo does not just include the process of the needle’s going into the skin,...
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