I havent been on here nearly as much lately for a variety of reasons. The MAIN being lac of activity, the other being lack of ADMIN support. I think this is a great forum and could really be a nice place to chat with others and learn a thing or two but it seems like there is just no oversight whatsoever when it comes to administration duties. I see DreamerX was just on here and I “believe” he is Admin so why are there spam posts all over the place STILL and why have they not been removed…..these admin. folks are also supposed to be the folks to answer the technical questions we all have from time to time…..whats the point asking somebody else that is learning???
I hate to complain, I know folks are busy, but come on….you are Admins for a reason if you dont have the time or just dont feel like stopping by more than once every six months then hows about you appoint somebody that is at least hear on a regular basis to keep out the junk and replies to questions on the forum????????
Ok,……..dont venting. ;)
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