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    • #14964

      Hello. …is this thing on?

      Thanks for activating my account.
      Actually, I was looking for some rca plugs for my machines because I’m getting really annoyed with the
      clip cords that I have, and I found this site while browsing the Hildebrand stuff. I figured since I
      posted in the site suggestion thread first, maybe I ought to introduce myself while I’m at it…

      I have been doing pen&ink for over 40 years. I started doing tattoo’s about 20 years ago, but I only did them for about 5 years or so.
      Unfortunately, I had come to a place/time in my life that made me want to completely quit all forms of artwork, tattoo’s included. I stopped all drawing, painting everything.
      Well, recently while just doodling, some co workers spotted my work and liked it. It felt good to get compliments on just a doodle,
      so I kinda kicked around the idea of getting back into doing tattoos again.
      I invested in some good equipment and have done a few on myself and a good friend. Feels good to get back into it again.

      Looking around, I see that the medium has come a long way since I last did any tattoos.
      I’m quite impressed.

    • #21492

      Welcome!! I look forward to picking your brain for
      all those tattoo secrets :twisted:

    • #21491

      Welcome,…….looking forward to seeing more posts!!!!

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