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June 21, 2013 at 7:07 am #15401
ParticipantI was about to drop dead once I came home, and head the news. Now this only applies to Denmark, but hear me out on this, as I may have to move to another country.
The Danish State and Health Government declared that a new law was to enter in Denmark, starting from the first of Jan 2014. A law that stated, tattoo ink will be controlled for any dangerous chemicals, with a declaration of contents on the back of every ink bottle. So to avoid any cancer related substances. I thought, well that a great idea. Finally the government takes some stand against the tattoo business.
But my hopes quickly feel down.
The declaration of contents must have 99.00 % of all substances in the ink, and if its not declared, the ink will be illegal, and the use of it would give a large fine and even prison time.
A declaration of contents at 99.00% is nearly impossible, as tattoo ink consist of so many substances, that every ink out there will be considered ILLEGAL in Denmark. And if you don’t have ink, what on earth are you going to put in the client?
This is just another part of the Danish government, trying to control the public. If they really think that this is a good idea (Yes its a good idea to have control on the ink, but not like this) they are horrible wrong. This is the first time since 1966 that they care about the tattoo business. And instead of controlling the artists, or grand some kind of tattoo license to make the business more legit, they band the ink… I mean what the…. F…
And if they are just a tiny bit concerned about underground kitchen wizards, they will soon realise that this law will not prevent the tattoo business, it will just move from fine studios, to the basements and garages around this country.
And every douche who think its cool breaking the law will start doing tattoos, just so they can say “Yeah I’m a law breaker”. And they will really mess things up….. And really send people to the hospitals.
Yes this is for rants, I just had to breathe this out.
Stupid government…. -
June 22, 2013 at 1:15 pm #23742
ParticipantThe gov needs to get more OUT of the tattooing industry! Not more into it. My stance is that yep, stupid untrained people will cause infections, spread stuff and so on. However they never last long, the people screwing others up, and as far as spreading anything, walking around in public these days can do that to you really. Who’s to say that the door handle you are about to grab to go into your fav food joint wasn’t just grabbed by some nasty F**** who stuck thier hand down thier pants to scratch thier A** and got some fecal matter under their nails and they have something that gets transferred to that handle. Now coming in you don’t have to use the restroom, you order, sit down and eat, unwittingly having microscopic fecal matter on your hand, now on your burger, now in your mouth! :?
Not just that but other things as well, ever pay for something with cash? Do you know who hand that money before you and if they had anything? How about the change you just got, of the touch pad you just put your pin number into? My point is that we as tattooists, the ones that are in this as a career, learn and follow sanitary guidelines not as much to “protect” the public, but more to ensure that people come back to us again and again and tell thier friends. Hell Sailor Jerry used to ink with a lit pipe in his mouth and he is considered the father of modern sanitation techniques. I feel bad fr the ink in your area man, and tattooists should approach it from a business side instead of a medical side. When the medical side is thrown at us by gov because of the age old, pro vs kitchen magician arguement we end up with things like Hawaii, a 70 question test much of which is on microbiology and pathogens! A test, mind you, that might tell the peeps in charge if you know what hep b looks like under a microscope, but does absolutely nothing to prove you know what the hell you are doing! -
June 24, 2013 at 1:11 pm #23741
ParticipantNow they are just pissing me off. Making a scare tactic campaign on the tattoo world. Its all over the media, scaring people from getting a tattoo. Showing of a picture of a guy who lost his legs, due to a tattoo (which I haven’t heard of before) And they are saying, that they did a research in Denmark, stating that 5 out of 10 people with a tattoo have some kind of problem with it…. Well wtf??? They haven’t asked me, and I have 5 tattoos… How can that research be legit, if they haven’t asked everyone with a tattoo….?
But on the upside, that thing where they banned the ink, that was just an interpretation glitch from a professor.
That same professor who claims that everyone that has a tattoo will in fact have a tattoo related problem down the line….. MY GOD what a douche. My grandfather arms were covered in tattoos, he never had a problem.
Well the ink will not be banned, they just have to have the same standards as EU dictates, which of course doesn’t make any difference to any artists. Since they can only buy that stuff anyways.And I totally agree Spider, more chances are that you would catch something nasty from your local burger joint, then at a decent artist. And the test thing, again I have to agree, if your book smart, then you can learn what needs to be learned quite fast, that doesn’t mean that the person will live by it. But what I want, is a law that stats some thing like this; “Thou shalt not tattoo another human being, unless thou have thee propar training in the art of tattooing. Thou may tattoo thine self, if thine wish!”
As I said in another post, there isen’t any real law on the tattoo world. Everyone with a 10 buck machine has the right to call himself a “Tattoo Artist”… Come on thats a rigth???? You are allowed to do so…. -
August 17, 2013 at 2:24 am #23743
MemberI believe there need to be regulations, but the guidelines need to be set by the professionals in the business who know what the hell needs to happen. All the laws are made by stuffy rich arseholes who have probably never even been in a tattoo studio.
January 21, 2014 at 7:19 pm #23744
MemberYikes man. What a mess. I’ve actually heard murmurings that something similar may be going down in my home state. We make our own ink at the shop I’m at and I can definitively say that there really aren’t that many ingredients. Fear not the industry will survive regardless. My states tattooing laws are abismal (there is nothing that says anyone has to have any kind of liscensing. Any scratcher can open a shop. You just have to get it inspected by a dr. And they do. The level of quality from most of the shops is terrible. And that’s just sad considering ct has some seriously rich tattoo history) so some reform is welcome but they just go about it the complete wrong way. I absolutely agree that this type of shit should be left to the professionals! I mean wtf seems like a no brainer. You don’t see me pushing for law reform in the nursing industry. Why? Cause aside from cc/bbp and shit that involves tattooing I DON’T KNOW SHIT ABOUT BEING A NURSE. anyway I’m not familiar with the way den marks gvnmt works but were going to speak up at a meeting that will be held before the law is passed so they can actually get professional opinions. Anyway keep us updated Len. Let us know what happens.
January 22, 2014 at 1:41 pm #23745
ParticipantYes it really is a complet mess of things.
The government wants to controll everything, rumour has it, that they want taxes on the inks bought and sold in Denmark. If this is so, you can ad another 30 % ontop of the already high pricing ink.If they get this through, I bet you all a million bucks, that they will leave the tattoo business to it self again. They just wants a profit on the area, since they dont know a thing about it in the first place, there are no actual laws against it.
And when bikers blackmail honest tattooers, the government dosent do jack.Theres just recently been an incident in a bigger town. A tattoo shop, thats been around for a few years. The guy reminds me of me. :P Across his place, a tattoo chain opend. And as you would expect, 5 days later, he had a knocking at his door, by 5 huge bikers, wanting him to close his shop, or they will smash it. Then breake his hands.
They guy was in chock, and knew he couldnt go to the police, they wouldnt help. He then made an ad on his facebook page, asking people for help.
The next week the bikers came again. But this time 10 people were in his shop. The bikers left. The next day, 500 people were in front of his shop, all wanted to help getting rid of the bikers. The bikers shop closed a few weeks later. No business came their way, and everyday a bunch of town folks stood guard at the tattoo shop.
Now THATS a sunshine story right there. :D -
January 23, 2014 at 7:26 pm #23746
Participant^^^ Now that was a good story ^^^
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