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    • #14869

      Ok, I was watching you tube the other day and ran across a video where this dude was useing a flat to blend in his color. He also spread the space between each individual needle on the bar with a razor blade to give more of a feather effect. I have not used flats much, mostly mags and curved mags. So i was just wondering what was your all’s opinion on this.

    • #21232

      Is it safe to tamper with those needles? I dunno bout that….. yo soy un “noob”!

    • #21233

      i have also heard about this method from a few friends that work in shop but being unfamiliar myselp with doing thid i dont advice it without supervision, this probably doesnt sound right coming from a scratcher but i have enough sence to know my limits. hope this helps sorry its not from a better source

    • #21234

      I asked my Mentor about this method. He had herd of this to but doesnt advise it he is going to show me a good method this week on blending. I will keep you guys informed post it on here. Thinks for the input guys.. :D

    • #21235

      before mags became popular there were flats and rounds. Mostly old timers stuck in there ways still use flats. there are so many better shaders now. Although I have learned through the years that everything has a place and a time; so maybe play around with it and see what you can do. How do you think new things are discovered?

    • #21237

      it really depends what and how you want to do the desire effect.
      sometimes needles are too closed together and can cause more trauma to the skin
      so it would have to be spaced out a little more.
      but mostly mags would work well with good technique and machines..
      generally for color work people use short tapered needles
      black and grey long tapered needles.
      and theres bugpin mags and the whole 9 about that.. just depends on your prefference

    • #21236

      ive found i prefer flats a lot of the times over mags. only time i really use mags is for my grey shading.. so far at least…

    • #21231

      You use flats to pack color?? I haven’t herd that before..Blending maybe, wouldn’t that cause alot of trauma trying to pack in a solid color in with them??

    • #21238

      i meant for blending my colors yes.. haha was sleepy.. ive been trying to blend colors more than pack them… ive been wanting to make a few vids to put on youtube soon of some tattoos, i just need my gf to be home at the right times when im tatting people.

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