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    • #15049

      i was asked by a friend the other day if it was normal to get bruising around a new tattoo after it’s done? she had a medium sized tattoo done, but has noticed the skin around it in areas has bruised? it was done at a shop and says it did’nt hurt anymore than others she has but can’t understand the bruising?. i’ve not come across this yet but thought it would be good to find out if this ok or not????? :?

    • #21870

      I have never seen bruising around a tat. Does she take blood thinners, or a medication that has a side effect thay causes bruising

    • #21871

      I have never seen it myself, but when my Fiance got tattooed in a shop a few weeks ago they warned her it would probaby bruise because of where it was on the inside of her upper arm. It didnt end up bruising, but it must happen a bit if she thought to warn her just in case

    • #21872

      she did’nt say if she was on medication, she did say in certain areas she bruises easier ?

    • #21873

      yes it is normal..you got it on the inside of your arm where there is soft tissue of course that’s going to happen…it is a million little needles hitting the same spot over and over again..it’s just sore it will go away soon.

    • #21874

      It’s definitely possible. But have you seen it yourself? Are you sure it’s bruising? A more likely scenario would be blowouts. Which can sometimes look kind of like bruising. Just because she got it done in a shop doesn’t mean the guy knew what he was doing unfortunately. And even if he did blow outs can still happen.

    • #21875

      It could be bruising. My ex had very sensitive skin, and would bruise almost every time she got a tattoo. Every client is different. I have even gotten bruised. The thighs are pretty bad for bruising imo.

    • #21876

      My first tattoo I had years back was a dumb arm band and I had it wrap all the way around the inside of my upper arm. I had a lot of bruising. the whole underside of my arm had all the colors of the rainbow lol. And Im not one to bruise easy either. which was weird. prob the only time I can think of that I had ever had a bruise like that. Does happen in sensitive areas.

    • #21877

      The bruising challenge which had made an very good change in the tattooing age is very cool one.

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