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    • #13943

      is it safe to tattoo somone using disposable tubes instead of the metal kind that way you dont have to have an autoclave…as long as every thing is bagged up the propper way?

    • #17255

      I suppose you could given that your giving your frames a tear down and give a chemical bath with proper solution and you bag all your gear and barrier everything/anything that may or may not get touched….

      …..feel free to reply anyone

    • #17256

      Disposable Tattoo Tubes are the alternative for stainless steel tattoo tubes. Disposable tattoo tubes are recommended for any tattoo artist who does not have access to a professional autoclave.

    • #17257

      I’m a fan of disposable tubes, easy care, already sterilized, and my customers seem really pleased and comforted knowing the needle AND tube have never been used before. I worked in a shop that only used autoclave, no ultrasonic, and while I know that I cleaned the tubes properly, I could tell the other artists were not. I did not work there for long.

    • #17258

      i use solely disposable tubes. its the cleanest way to do it, just more expensive.

    • #17259

      In my world, disposable tubes are the way to go.
      Even though, in my country, the tattoo lauge bitch on about; never go to a tattooist who dosent use an autoclave.
      Which is redicules, since there are alot more maintenens in using an autoclave. Plus you need to take tests of it every second week or so.
      Disposable all the way, and with so many different designs out there, your bound to find a good one, just for you.

    • #17260

      I agree. However, an ultrasonic cleaner is a must. how else are you going to clean you ink cups when your order comes in?! :O
      If someone came to me and peaced out cuz I didnt have an autoclave I’d laugh in their face. there is literally NOTHING in my shop that needs autoclaving lmao. Having an autoclave is just going to cost me 35$ every two weeks to spore test for no reason :P

    • #17261

      @Ramenuzumaki wrote:

      I agree. However, an ultrasonic cleaner is a must. how else are you going to clean you ink cups when your order comes in?! :O
      If someone came to me and peaced out cuz I didnt have an autoclave I’d laugh in their face. there is literally NOTHING in my shop that needs autoclaving lmao. Having an autoclave is just going to cost me 35$ every two weeks to spore test for no reason :P

      This is the first time I have ever seen this stated…cleaning ink caps. How would you go about doing that?? What I mean actually, is how would you go about storing them once you have cleaned a few.

      This is assuming that they are not being cleaned, just before you do a tattoo…

    • #17262

      When I get my order in I put them into an ultrasonic cleaner with a basket. I use distilled water, antibacterial dishsoap, and cavicide for the solution. I let them clean for about 30 minutes

      I don clean cloves. I then remove the basket and place on a papertowel which is on my clean work station. The cups are dried, then place into a glass jar I have which is cleaned inside and out with cavicide, and kept sanitized. I have 10 jars in my studio.

      small ink cups
      medium ink cups
      large ink cups
      disposable razors
      disposable cups
      disposable tongue depressors
      machine bags
      clip cord sleeves

    • #17263

      You will be amazed as how narrowminded most tattooist are in my country.
      In the Danish Tattoo Lauge, you can ONLY become a tattoo artist, if you have served with a mentor that USES an autoclaver…..

      A former member from that Lauge (Blowout Kurt) modified a microwave oven, with some fancy metal stickers, then calling it an Autoclaver.
      He actually had an ultrasonic. Also this one, he told his clients was an Autoclaver. He used his Ultrasonic for cleaning metal gribs, tubes and needles. Every time he was done, he placed everything in that box, turned it on. Next Client. Picking things up from the sonic and then, same prosidure again. Dumped everything in it. Not EVER changing the water. That water became a pool of death.
      He handed out 5 hepetitis to 5 different clients. One of which, was his own daughter…

      An autoclaver dosent clean, so you cannot have an autoclaver, without an ultrasonic. And if you didnt clean your equiptment thourogly, ink will still be in your metal tubes.
      Too much work with an autoclaver. And the dispoasble tubes you can get today, well…. Use them. Let your client see that you dont reuse anything.

    • #17264

      whats Lauge?

    • #17265


    • #17266

      like a club, of sorts. dont know the word here. a brotherhood perhaps. Like the freemasons of sorts :?

    • #17267

      Fraternity? I just guessed league because it fits and its almost spelled the same

    • #17268

      haha that does make sense

    • #17269

      Well it does actually hahahah

    • #17270

      See I can translate a fair amount just by having a wide vocabulary! lol

    • #17271

      Or just from being a good guesser :P hahahaha

    • #17272

      educated guesser!

    • #17273

      hahah guys your funny…

      disposable is the way to go :)

    • #17274

      @xDreamerx wrote:

      I suppose you could given that your giving your frames a tear down and give a chemical bath with proper solution and you bag all your gear and barrier everything/anything that may or may not get touched….

      …..feel free to reply anyone

      FOR SURE!!! Definitely bag or wrap everything!!!! I buy clip cord sheaths for the convenience but I just use fold over sandwich bags for my machines. I wrap all my other gear and furniture in cellophane. (soap bottle, arm rest, so on) Anything that may come in contact with the clients tattoo. Even if it doesn’t, the insurance I get by knowing it is fresh gives me piece of mind!!!! You can NEVER be too clean, but it only takes a little dirty and all HELL WILL BREAK LOOSE!!!!!! A very small $$$$ amount is WELL WORTH the $$$$ you will save having a lawsuit against you for giving someone a BBP!!!! WHY RISK IT?????? Even if you don’t get into a lawsuit over it, the word WILL SPREAD like WILD FIRE if you infect someone. Heck, even if you don’t give them the BBP but you don’t take these steps to make sure you don’t YOU WILL BE THE FIRST STOP trying to find out where they contracted the issue. If you know anything about staph, you know IT IS EVERYWHERE and someone can get it from ANYWHERE!!!!! Why let it be from you? Besides, if you wrap EVERYTHING people will also talk about that. In my experience this is a good thing. They will say stuff like, “that artist is SO CLEAN!!! Which makes people feel SAFE!!!! That in turn turns too MORE CUSTOMERS than the other artists around. Is that not worth a couple bucks in covers and wraps? I THINK SO!!!! This is just my $.02
      Good luck

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