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    • #13923

      Hey whats up guys, my name is John, 29 from VA. Im not currenty an apprentice, but working towards my goal! Hope to see you guys on my journey, if I get any advise or new info, I Definately will post to you guys!

    • #17204

      Welcome John.
      Best of luck to you!
      Also, I appreciate the kind words in the email.
      Do me a Favor – and post that same email on http://www.amazon.com/Basic-Fundamentals-Modern-Tattoo-Jordan/

      I would greatly appreciate the positive press!
      Feel free to email me directly if you have questions, I prefer you post on the forum here first though. I am in Afghanistan right now w/ Marines – so might take me a while to reply. Be patient! I am working on more projects every day. In the next few months new books will be coming out! I am working with Joe Lucero too – and we are getting TattooRadar.com online and loaded w/ reviews. I also have several DVDs that will be avaialable for very cheap (under $15 each) so you can get the whole set of 5 DVDs for around $60 or $70. Once they are finalized will have more info. So either way – lots of good things going to come up soon… Difficult to work on them here in Afghanistan – but when I can get to a computer I try my best to answer forum threads and posts – as well as emails!
      Best of luck to you on your tattoo journey – and Get that apprenticeship!

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