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    • #15324

      OK, So the question is How to practice. Not what to practice on or how often. I feel like there is enough experience on this forum to come up with clear cut bullets on techniques that you need to have a firm grasp on. I’m used to seeing and hearing things like “use an orange and just sketch some stuff with a sharpy.” Beyond that I dont feel like there is any homework assignments let alone graders. I feel like we should come up with a section that has assignments that can be critiqued by the forum. to give an example .

      Fundamentals 1: Lining

      tattoo 15 ,straight and curved 1 inch lines on practice skin or fruit.

      then have the pictures posted up for critique .

      If not then just a general post on things to focus on and how to practice them . I understand that the whole idea is to get an apprenticeship and have someone teach you these things in a shop but for those of use that are trying to learn on our own (without the use of human skin). I feel like this could stave off the need to test yourself in flesh before you have at least a grasp of what it is your are doing .

    • #23219

      I’m behind this idea actually. We used to have art contests, so why not do this, right? Have an actual curriculum so-to-speak. However, I wouldn’t start with fruit. I would start with paper, then work up to fruit.

      Draw 20 roses. draw 15 skulls. draw 30 lilies. etc. This way you get to practice your tattooing techniques before even wasting needles and ink. When I draw I draw the same way I tattoo. I have even put a pencil in a tattoo machine and drawn like that. once you have the lining technique down–full lines in one pass, moving forward instead of backward, etc–then move on to fruit/P.skin. Drawing is a very important part of tattooing, and if you dont have that down, then you’re already behind the rest of the class, so-to-speak.

    • #23220

      Agreed.fundamental art skills are key. I just figured that lessons exist for that already online. This site being what it is could pioneer the online tattoo education lol. Id participate in a heart beat

    • #23221

      This is true. However, how many people would actually go out of their way to educate themselves prior to doing these lessons? Most would just avoid it all together since technically it isn’t mandatory.

      I wouldn’t mind being a “teacher” for the lack of a better term. Grade the work done, and give out the lessons n such.

    • #23222

      The beauty of an open forum is that everyone can share their own experience toward the piece. Little shit like “a dimond tip and a bent needle will really clean up your lines” small things a little at a time from different perspectives make a more rounded artist. To turn a Fraze “a ten second car is. built a 10th of a second at a time”

    • #23223

      I like this idea, we should totally do this. I wonder if we could find an artist who would be willing to sign some paperwork after completing the curriculum to? That would be great for me. Like an online apprenticeship.

    • #23224

      We would need an apprenticed artist willing to put his rep on the line. Easier said then done. For now can u start with a sticky?

    • #23225

      @Ramenuzumaki wrote:

      This is true. However, how many people would actually go out of their way to educate themselves prior to doing these lessons? Most would just avoid it all together since technically it isn’t mandatory.

      I wouldn’t mind being a “teacher” for the lack of a better term. Grade the work done, and give out the lessons n such.

      then they made the choice to suck or be a tattoo stencil copier. Though i do like the idea of starting with the most common tattoo subjects. Do we have any actual “licensed” Artists who would be willing to help out on this?

    • #23226

      I’m glad we got someone elses imput in here :3
      It seems that there arent sticky topics on this forum. I’m a global mod and I can neither sticky this topic, nor create a new sticky topic

    • #23227

      Well… how do u wanna start this? Pencil roses?

    • #23228

      Loving this idea.
      We should do this. And if we cant find a “ligit” artist, then we just have to man up, stop being nice in that thread, and really analyse the pieces.
      But for this to work, we really need to post top notch pictures (in this I mean high pixeled pictures, no dark or small ones)

      I would be glad to give pointers on portraits (I think I’m qualified for that, though not tattoo portraits. yet :lol: )

      But I’m all in for this idea :D

    • #23229

      So who is qualified to start a new sticky? We need another heading like apprentice. We should call it the gauntlet lol

    • #23230

      We could do video lessons. Read this article, watch this video, send a pm to the “Teacher” about what we learned from the assignment, like a book report, or the Tattoo Professor could make worksheets for the students to stream-line things if they’re not willing to do a lot of reading. You could easily say the course isn’t complete without all the basic non-artsy homework. Like a test on bbp, for example, would be extremely important.

      For now I think everyone should just draw the crap out of their sketchbooks

    • #23231

      I like the idea of open forum assignments. That way you could just start on a list and work at your own pace. I don’t feel like its a good idea to use the term teacher so much as peer critique. (Forgive my spelling, im lit ) a list of “homework” if u will. Ranging from pen and paper to actual skin pieces. Everyone who has completed the assignment becomes “qualified” to critique. In the post you have to pass judgment pass or fail. Not meaning the work is bad but that the assignment wasn’t met. Example assignment :draw a picture showing “wet” texture.

      The picture could be bad ass but not have a big wet feel and fail based in lack of components. Above all no flaming. We want to make this open and welcoming. Im a “scratcher” myself. Im looking for knowlage not the same old holier then thou crap. If I could get an apprenticeship id have one. I love the art form and I want to learn to do it saftly,effecttivly and with minimal pain to the client. This idea could put those looking for work ahead of the game and make this forum a truly open source of knowlage.

    • #23232

      We just need admin to back us

    • #23233

      As I mentioned before I dont think there are any “Sticky” posts unless only the admin can actually do them. I am a Global Mod, and am unable to sticky posts. I’m pretty sure Canvas would back this as well. I work for Canvas, so I’ll email him about the whole “sticky” situation. Either tonight, or tomorrow I’ll start a new topic, and get this ball rolling for everyone who wishes to participate. I’m definitely thinking starting with pencil sketches, because when we get to fruit/practice skin i’d like all of the work to be custom stuff, not something you printed off of the internet. Feel free to google stuff to use as inspiration, or reference, but no direct copying. I’ll send Canvas an email right now, and see what’s what.

      EDIT: I’m also going to move this topic to the “Suggestions” section.

      EDIT2: Email has been sent to the admin.

    • #23234

      Thanks Ram!

      @brokenpipe wrote:

      Im a “scratcher” myself.

      Don’t you dare call yourself that, scratcher is a term which I use exclusively to define people who have a tattoo “gun” (thats what they call it) who give out bad tattoos, are not clean, and have no working knowledge of the proper methods, nor a desire to learn the correct way. You, being on this forum, actively in pursuit of all of the knowledge necessary to tattoo properly automatically makes you not a scratcher.

    • #23235

      @Infamous wrote:

      Thanks Ram!

      @brokenpipe wrote:

      Im a “scratcher” myself.

      Don’t you dare call yourself that, scratcher is a term which I use exclusively to define people who have a tattoo “gun” (thats what they call it) who give out bad tattoos, are not clean, and have no working knowledge of the proper methods, nor a desire to learn the correct way. You, being on this forum, actively in pursuit of all of the knowledge necessary to tattoo properly automatically makes you not a scratcher.

      Amen to that

    • #23236

      @Infamous wrote:

      Don’t you dare call yourself that, scratcher is a term which I use exclusively to define people who have a tattoo “gun” (thats what they call it) who give out bad tattoos, are not clean, and have no working knowledge of the proper methods, nor a desire to learn the correct way. You, being on this forum, actively in pursuit of all of the knowledge necessary to tattoo properly automatically makes you not a scratcher.


      This is true. a Scratcher is a derogatory term used for people who are giving the industry a bad name. If you are using professional equipment, methods, and proper sterilization/cleaning/sanitation/barrier techniques. You ae going the extra mile for your work. You are not a scratcher

    • #23237

      the term doesn’t bother me so much. everyone has to start some where. Did we start the subject on this one yet and i just missed it?

    • #23238

      Start the subject of what? haha

      Btw got an email from my boss. We now have a “How to Practice” Category.
      I’ll get the first lesson posted and ready either tonight or tomorrow.
      Look forward to it!

    • #23239

      That was what I meant . Im good ill keep an eye out for it

    • #23240

      We are ready to go!

      Tattoo Questions for Apprentices > How to Practice

      Direct link to main thread:

    • #23241

      just put my first submission up

    • #23242

      I was just looking into this and I really like the idea of it being in stages and not advancing until the theme or subject of the matter is met…. I’ll be doing my “homework” pretty soon so.. I guess I’ll be posting it under yours BrokenPipe :)

    • #23243

      did i post in the wrong area? Not one reply was made on my pieces . i posted under the original post in the apprentices section

    • #23244

      You posted in the right place, but I’ve noticed the main guys on here haven’t been posting much lately. The people who are learning aren’t allowed to critique until they’ve passed the lesson. So it’s just on the admin’s and mods schedule at the moment. Just gotta wait.

    • #23245

      sorry ive been pretty busy lately. i should be able to get on more often now :3

    • #23246

      I really like this idea and I am starting out wanting to learn and figure out what to do. I can’t go out and get tattooed and look for an apprenticeship just yet because 1) I’m pregnant and 2) I’m a mother who stays at home with the babies. So I would like to work on learning about the machine, how to best use it, what it does when you do this and that (I’m currently reading a book on all of this as well) until the time comes my kids are in school. (just a couple years!)

      Its a lot of practice time and I will be going back to get tattooed again when I’m “legal” again…. and build up contacts, etc … but I feel like I’m twiddling my thumbs. I hate it. I know how to draw. I want to know how the machine works and how and where I can learn about it….. Can I even get one without being an apprentice? (Book I’m reading says most won’t sell unless you are licensed and/or are apprenticed at a studio).

    • #23247

      I can relate to that. But the thing about the machine, is; that most, if not a damn lot, tweek their machines to do what they want to do. I bet there are a few members who could make something up, but I think every one of them will have a different view of something.

    • #23248

      very good “out of the box” machines are the Hildbrant brand machines from http://www.tattoomachineequipment.com i currently have four in my shop and i intend to get the entire set of eight.

      as Len said many people tweak things so they work one way, or the other, but those are things you learn as you get more experience. Hildbrant machines dont require any real tweaking just general tuning knowledge. you can get this by buying the Basic Fundamentals of Modern Tattoo at http://www.tattoobooksonline.com. You can also look up the illustrated guide to tuning a tattoo machine by LunaC. tattoobooksonline.com also has a 2hr DVD that is the first part of a series that shows you how to take apart a machine, then rebuild it and it shows you all the parts of hte machien and everything. :3

    • #23249

      This is so far the best reply I’ve had on this forum yet. Thank you so much! I have the book Basic Fundamentals Of Modern Tattoo by C.R. Jordan, just not the equipment. I hope to get equipment good for learning basics on and the DVD from him as well. I understand the tweaking thing – but I need my starting point.

      This is getting me all excited. ;-) hahaha I love learning new ways to make art.

    • #23250

      This kit here is probably your best bang for your buck

      if you can afford it i recommend that. youll have an extra book though haha. it comes with a DVD but its not C.R. Jordan’s DVD so I cant say for sure what’s on it.

      I have one of the machines that come with that kit and I love it. My other three arent featured in this kit. I also use the inks provided with this kit, and they work awesome, and heal really bright! :3

      if that’s a little too pricey id recommend this one

      other than that the other kit’s on there are kind of sub par in comparison to these. the Hildbrant machines are so much better than the Vulstard and the Ink Star its not even fair to compare them!

      that website also has everything else youll need to tattoo: stencil stuff, bandages, machine bags, clip cord sleeves, medical tape, needles, disposable grips, stencil paper, stencil copier, and more! :3

      this is the only company i shop from h aha

    • #23251

      Hey great thanks!! I looked at the site and read about the kits you listed. I think I know what I’m going to do now. When you said pricey I was expecting a lot more than I saw, so that was a relief.

      That supply page is being book marked for now – so I can find it easy again. haa!

      You’re awesome. Thanks again.

    • #23252

      not a problem :3
      that’s what we’re here for :3

    • #23253

      The thing about dvd’s and such, is that there arent that many that says the same. Okey, there are some basics in the modern tattoo industry that are fundamental (Get it :P)
      So if its for learning the basics, its a great deal. Again for the tweeks, its very different.
      And do yourself a gigantic favour, stay away from getting confused on youtube. I have seen 50 or so videos, and if I had to follow each and everyone of them to the point, I couldnt even touch the machine, let alone tattoo. So dont get confused and suck in all the onfo on youtube ;)

    • #23254

      You can get machines all day on ebay and amazon for little to nothing. … Do not use them on flesh. At minimum you need to change the coils and Springs and that’s only assuming you Hey one with passable team geometry. If you can start with hildbrandt . Buy an ebay machine and compare the two. This I think will teach you volumes of dos and donts . Some one on here had a hidden link on machine timing on their page. Find that and check it out

    • #23255

      This is all really great advice. I’m tackling this like I would a college class, only from the educators. So YouTube didn’t even cross my mind. Neither did ebay or Amazon, lol. That is why I bought this Fundamentals book and joined this forum. When my brother gave me this last tattoo I was sitting there for two hours asking question after question….

      in any case, the advice on here is great. I’m not interested in tattooing on skin at all until I get the apprenticeship – but I want to learn the mechanics, the machine basics (I liked reading the chapter on the electric and magnetic functions, it gave me insight). I may be really good at first aid and all that – but that’s learned and experience. So I gotta take the same approach here.

      Really appreciate it. :-)

    • #23256

      Not really contributing to the topic itself, but I just wanted to say that I am wallowing in this conversation like a pig in mud :D So many helpful comments, suggestions, websites, and most importantly attitudes! It’s nice to know I’m not the only one in this boat. Y’all are great ;)

    • #23257

      Your comment is great!! Glad that you are enjoying the forum. I like it myself, quite a bit. ;-)

    • #23258

      off topic
      is your avatars pictures of both of you?

    • #23259


    • #23260

      Curiosity. If it is you you are very attractive! :D

    • #23261

      LMAO :lol: THank You!!! Yes, its me …. i was worried for a sec.

    • #23262

      Thanks JDawn, yeah I’ve found loads of helpful info on here. Not to mention entertaining at times lol :D … Wait, Ram were you asking me too? Perhaps I am just slower than usual today… :roll:

    • #23263

      @Ramenuzumaki wrote:

      Curiosity. If it is you you are very attractive! :D

      Smoothe Ram… Really Smooooooothe :P

      Back to the topic ;)

      Now for you to……… Naaahh cant…

      Ram your right… Very attractive ;)

    • #23264

      @einvalentine wrote:

      Thanks JDawn, yeah I’ve found loads of helpful info on here. Not to mention entertaining at times lol :D … Wait, Ram were you asking me too? Perhaps I am just slower than usual today… :roll:

      yes I was asking you too haha :3

    • #23265

      Seriously now.. :D If I can….

      Well about this forum being helpful, I completely agree. I have been a member of many different tattoo forums. But everywhere I was greeted by stuck up tattooist, who really didn’t want to share any kind of experience. Every thread I started, and every post I replied, all got ignored.
      Then I bought a book, actually the first book of mine, that had its own forum…
      And I wasn’t disappointed. Truly the best forum for tattoos on the net.

    • #23266

      @Lennart82 wrote:

      Seriously now.. :D If I can….

      Well about this forum being helpful, I completely agree. I have been a member of many different tattoo forums. But everywhere I was greeted by stuck up tattooist, who really didn’t want to share any kind of experience. Every thread I started, and every post I replied, all got ignored.
      Then I bought a book, actually the first book of mine, that had its own forum…
      And I wasn’t disappointed. Truly the best forum for tattoos on the net.

      only cuz im here :D <3

    • #23267

      Cant argue with that hahahahaha

      You bring the AMEN in rAMENuzumaki…. (GOD!!! Cheap shot)

    • #23268

      This has become the funniest string of replies so far. Hahaha

      When I bought the book, I didn’t realize it came with this forum! So I got lucky. I am also realizing that the 4 years I have left here in Canada – my third baby (will be born in 4 months) will be old enough I will have the time available to get a “job” or even attempt to get an apprenticeship. You think 2-3 years of practice would help? My curiosity has less patience than this, but as a stay at home mom with a crowd of little ones …. you know …. and someone said to me, “wow ! You must be busy!” and I answered, “Yeah, apparently, that was the case now we have another one coming!” Poor Bank Teller was stunned.

      That was off topic … oops. I need my coffee.

      Anyone know anyone in Ottawa, Canada?

    • #23269

      This whole things becoming off topic. :lol:
      2-3 years of practising? Yes, I do believe you will accomplish a great deal of learning.
      But the only dependable thing about the future is uncertainty. So who know, maybe some ones sees your work, and give you that big break.
      And with two kids, and one on the way, yeah, you must be busy. How old are they?

      And unfortunately, I have never been west of the North Atlantic Sea… I really want to though…. :(

    • #23270

      im about an hr east of Ottawa

    • #23271

      I am in downtown Ottawa. I am looking for a tattoo artist that I can consult with on my next ideas (I want to get tattooed) after this baby is born….. I found a studio in the Glebe that is brand new and the artists are good. … but I want to also get more familiar with the studio – I am almost new in the city and my time has been spent on kids and not the tattoo scene as much so far… I take my tattoos seriously as in … the artist has to be just as good as me on paper if not better. Really don’t want a mistake on my body. There is one that really needs a fixing….

      My kids are 3.5 years, 19 months and unborn…. lol…

      Ottawa and this area is fantastic. I’ve lived in Germany for 10 years and traveled all of Europe. I’ve lived in many paces in the U.S. and so far this is my favorite one. (at least for having kids, hard to deny Southern France or Italy…).

    • #23272

      Considering the actual topic has been… um, satisfied(?), off-topic is technically fair game now, right? :lol:

      But yeah, Ram, that’s me. I’m not actually attractive… I’m just an expert at dunking my head in a 5 gallon bucket of makeup & melted crayons, and praying for acceptable results :mrgreen:

      I will have some suggestions/questions for the actual topic when I get my thoughts organized, & will post… uh, somewhere lol.

    • #23273

      Einvalentine you are attractive dont be modest madame!

      Jess thats the best way to do it you know. always best to wait to get the tats rather than rush it and regret it :3
      dont forget you gotta wait 6 months after the baby is born before you get an tattoos :O

    • #23274

      yup, I know the rules. ;-) It only makes sense with what I deal with after the birth.

    • #23275

      I definitely agree with Ram… you’ll change your mind a million times before you really settle on something. I’m pushing 30 & I only have 2 tattoos: a shitty-looking piece of flash on my ankle I did for practice, and an even worse-looking tribal piece of flash around my left bicep that my brother did when he was attempting to apprentice (I was 17 :roll: ). Yes, I want more… but I’m super picky & indecisive :D

    • #23276

      I have three – but was tattooed four times (one is an attempted cover up)…. and I’m also 30 …. and I have a million things I want but its not WHAT i want as much as finding a person who can CONVEY it in the style / talent I am searching for. If I was already a tattoo artist and could manifest myself to tattoo myself on my back – I would do it myself. LOL BUT – nope, I gotta find someone who has more talent than the guy who gave me the ladybug.

    • #23277

      ill be 24 on August 29th and i have 24 tattoos haha

    • #23278

      Pffttt… darn kids and yer tattoos :lol:

      Jess, have you checked out http://www.createmytattoo.com/? Maybe you can find an artist on there who has a style close to what you’re looking for. If you find someone, you can always start a contest and invite them to draw something for you. There’s about 2000 registered “designers”, but I’m not saying everyone on there is good at it lol. Just a thought.

    • #23279

      Uhm….. Feeling old here guys….. :( (I use to be the youngest)

      Just turned 31, two kids, 8 and 2 years old. And I only have 4 tattoos.. Two of them, my own work…. And there are just so many things I want. Planning and designing my right arm sleeve, but havent found any artists I see, could actually do what I want done.
      And then there is all the rest…. :D My very first tattoo took me 6 years to decide, second 7 month, third a week. And the last half an hour ;)

    • #23280

      Thanks for the link ! I love that idea. I was thinking something similar to that for the artists that I met locally. They have good portfolios and so I wanted to try that.

      31 is not old ….. because that would mean I’m getting old. I refuse to believe that. ;-) But I certainly feel old when I go into shops, hair salons, etc and they are all younger than me …….. oh the days have gone that I was too, always the youngest. :oops:

      Today I have time and will be stopping by that shop, maybe today will be a good day to start a contest!

      Lenn, – by the progress you’ve made on decision making for your tattoos, sounds like you’re reaching your element now. Mine were all pretty easy to decide on, I’m slowly starting to take longer!!

    • #23281

      Know the feeling..

      Went to a clothes store this weekend.. And was greeted by a very young “dude” is the right word. Who sir’rd me…. I’m no sir……. :shock:

    • #23282

      Old is a state of mind lol. Do a few years in the army and tell me you still feel young and spry . I’m in MD and have recently discovered that the shop I paid 40$ for my tatts in its now charging 180 an hour and that’s the lowest rate in town. I’m in the wrong full time work but it has presented an opportunity. I just got a new place closer to Dc. Ive set up a studio and I’m just waiting until nov to buy a real chair. Just thought you guys should know the price game down here in the states. Not sure why it’s so much considering that md had no license for tattoos on the books. They just require you sign paper work before the tatt is done. One day I’ll be in a better position to do this full time and get that money lol

    • #23283

      here in Ontario the only place you need a license is Toronto. Everywhere else you just need to get a paper from the health unit saying you’re up to standards.

    • #23284

      JDawn, another cool thing about that site is that you can also sign up to be a designer. You can submit your own work for sale in the marketplace & for other people’s contests (some have REALLY big winnings). From the looks of your work, I’d say you have some sales for sure! http://www.createmytattoo.com/market/tattoo/9046#.UhNy-pL_ySo This is the only marketplace tattoo I have so far, but I’ve sold one! :mrgreen:

      Lenn, cut the “old” shit, because I’m not far behind LOL.

      Broken, I’m in the same boat you are so I definitely know where you’re coming from. Full-time student, wife, mom, homeowner, and 2 part-time jobs (free time? what’s that??? :lol: ). It’s kind of a good thing that our states don’t require licenses. I’m currently in the process of transforming my living room into my studio (that way I don’t have people wandering through my house). But I still want to find a good apprenticeship, which is difficult to do in my county.

    • #23285

      Thanks for the tip !!! I will look at it when I get back (gotta take my kid to the dentist …. ) But I like this idea. I really appreciate the tip !!

    • #23286

      the thing about transforming your living room is your studio need to be its own room. People cant be walking through it to get to another part of the house, and it must be able to be fully closed off. IE: doors

      otherwise its not fully sanitary

    • #23287

      As soon as I get the chance I’m planning on building a little shop in my backyard for this type of thing. It will probably still be a while, I’m still in the process of buying said property lol

    • #23288

      i have a two bedroom apartment. well its more of a 1.5 XD
      i use the smaller room for my shop
      always smells clean in there :3

    • #23289

      I have a spare bedroom I could use right now, but it is carpeted

    • #23290

      rip out the carpet :P

    • #23291

      I’m kind of torn, since I have an opportunity to build a separate building, just for the purpose of making a tattoo studio.
      And in my little town, there is a small store, ideal for a tattoo shop… So what to do?

      To build your own, at your house, you can have an influence on what you would like.
      And to rent, well its cheaper, and its now.

      But in the long run, perhaps a home real studio would be best… Don’t know….

    • #23292

      @Ramenuzumaki wrote:

      rip out the carpet :P

      Yub…. should be perfect… Or you could lay concrete on top. But me thinks that be messy…. And stupid…. :P

    • #23293

      Rent the studio until your extension at home is complete. You can bring in work, build clientele and then have a Grand opening at your own place !!

      (I am clearly a person who doesn’t see why you can’t have both cake and eat it too)

    • #23294

      Hmm its a possibility.
      But if I rent, I sign up for at least 1 year rent contract….
      But if I build… ?

      :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :? :? :? :? :? :? :? :?: :?: :?: :?:

    • #23295

      Depending on the studio needs of building, you will want that full year anyway. A year is not long. It gives you plenty of time to afford it, to get it right in design, building codes, dealing with issues, disputes, etc. It also gives you the opportunity to direct others to the new place on hours you are not at the other studio. Just sayin …. I’m an optimist …

    • #23296

      Well you have a point there… :) The bank lady gave it a thumbs up on the building project, and shes more hyped then me on it, after I showed her my drawings, and what I have done so far :D

    • #23297

      Let her be a client !!! AWESOME !! I wish I could visit, (love the other side of the ocean…. miss it dearly) but if I DO make it back (that is the plan at some point, have too many friends I miss) then I will come check out your studio. I’m so happy the bank approved it. I’m stoked !!

    • #23298

      @Lennart82 wrote:

      @Ramenuzumaki wrote:

      rip out the carpet :P

      Yub…. should be perfect… Or you could lay concrete on top. But me thinks that be messy…. And stupid…. :P

      Would do that, but like I said we should be moving soon anyways, once we do I can use the entire building I am living in now as a studio.

    • #23299

      so youll have two buildings?

    • #23300

      I’m currently house-sitting for my brother who is in the military. Have been for like 3 or 4 years now, but I’ll be buying my own home soon. So I will have 2 buildings I can use, but I only own one of them

    • #23301

      that’s rad bro kudos :D

    • #23302

      Thanks! lol :) :D

    • #23303

      i demand pics!

    • #23304

      Pics of what?

    • #23305

      of your epic house shop when its done :P

    • #23306

      Oh lol okay will do

    • #23307

      Thats awesome :D

      And yes… Its mandatory to show pictures if asked ;) hahahaha

    • #23308

      Hey, no problem JDawn! Any chance to make a few extra bucks is always helpful!

      Ram, I have gone to great lengths to “follow the rules”, and the reason I decided to move my “office” (which was previously upstairs in a carpeted room… uck :shock: ) to my living room is because I could create a separate entrance AND it’s separate from the rest of my house. I will post pics when I am done… Just don’t ask how much money I have sunk into this :roll:

      I dunno Len…. the concrete on carpet sounds like it could be fun lmao! You may be onto something!

    • #23309

      as long as people dont need to walk through it to get to another part of the building you’re goo. Like you need to go through my living room to get to my bedroom so it wouldnt work as a shop D:

    • #23310

      @einvalentine wrote:

      I dunno Len…. the concrete on carpet sounds like it could be fun lmao! You may be onto something!

      It could become the new black ;)

      But yes agreed, you cant have a train station as a tattoo shop.

    • #23311

      @Lennart82 wrote:

      @einvalentine wrote:

      I dunno Len…. the concrete on carpet sounds like it could be fun lmao! You may be onto something!

      It could become the new black ;)

      But yes agreed, you cant have a train station as a tattoo shop.

      +1 that term is now my favourite! LMAO

      Lesson 3 posted

    • #23312

      Yea… just saw the lesson 3 post… will get to that asap ;)

    • #23313

      Maybe I should give these lessons a go. If I can find the time ;)

    • #23314

      do it up butthole!

    • #23315

      Hey! If I can manage the lessons with my kids running around, stealing my sketch pad and pens, etc. etc … you can find some time. LOL :-)

    • #23316

      @JDawnPearls wrote:

      Hey! If I can manage the lessons with my kids running around, stealing my sketch pad and pens, etc. etc … you can find some time. LOL :-)


      her kids even help sometimes

    • #23317

      I’m really excited to get into some more work, I am getting a new sketch pad and materials (yes, I’ve been running LOW I draw so much). I can’t wait to bring something awesome in for the tattoo studio I’ve been secretly befriending…. Bwahahaha.

    • #23318

      hahahaha point taken… ;D

      But okey, I will see if I cant manage to do it :P

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