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    • #15563

      From here on out I will be posting all my tattoos in this thread.

      Starting out, here is my most recent tattoo done on my wife. Be gentle ;)


    • #25424

      AH ITS SO BAD!
      Get some steel wool and rub it off before it heals D:

      j/k! <3

      looks good bro
      the feather is fantastic so is the script
      are the birds supposed to be solid black?
      thats a rough place to tattoo

    • #25425

      No they are meant to be gray to match the feather. I should also note again that script is just my handwriting, literally 100% freehanded. :D

      And thanks! :D

    • #25426

      ok jus checking!
      was gunna say you’re going to have to give them another go to fill em XD

    • #25427

      Obviously lol, no she wanted it done like that. And I also told her when we were having trouble deciding which way to go that if we didn’t like the graywash we could still make them solid black, but we can’t go backwards and make it lighter

    • #25428

      Great work :D
      I’ve been commisioned to do a feather next month. See if I can do you justice ;)

    • #25429

      that’s what I always tell people. I can add ink I cant remove it. lets try the shading then if you dont like it we’ll solid fill it

    • #25430

      Awesome, I can’t wait to see it Lenn!

      And thanks Ram, lol, I’m sure I probably learned that from you somewhere on here. Seems like common sense but common sense isn’t really so common these days

    • #25431

      Here’s my biomech tattoo!

      Yeah, so the client decided he didn’t want something that crazy for his first tattoo so we went with these gaming dice instead. I’ll have a less blurry picture on Saturday when I see him again. Had a few holidays in this one. Not my best, but I am pretty happy with the MOM’s ink so far! At least the red is pretty good :)

    • #25432

      i clicked the link without reading the post and was like “Wtf this isnt biomech!” lmao
      great job dude
      once you give it another go itll be filled in nice
      maybe add some black shading?

    • #25433

      We’ll have to see if he’ll let me ;) but so far this guy way honestly my best client. He just sat there playing on his phone the whole time, told me it didn’t hurt just felt “annoying, like a bug was crawling on him”

    • #25434

      yeah thats how I usually react. it’s not so much painful as it was an annoyance.
      if you can get him to go for the shading and its done right i can really give it that depth, and give the Di their shape, and have them pop off the skin! maybe even white highlights

    • #25435

      That sounds like a great idea! I think it would really take it to the next level

    • #25436

      I looked at it again, and looks like some of the lines will need to be done again as well
      what I like to do when I do my shades, and highlines is I’ll take a sharpie, or any marker, and I’ll put two lines on the skin. kind of like a sun beam. this way I can’t forget where my light source is, and its a quick reference for where my shades should be :D

    • #25437

      I think I might just try that. As for the lines.. I’m gonna have to blame that on the blurry pic. They’re definitely dark enough irl

    • #25438

      No worries bro :3

    • #25439
      Tattoo Deshi

      Looking much better then the the stick figure you did.lol sorry if I sounded harsh on that post don’t mean for it to come off that way

    • #25440

      Yea the shading would make them pop out… talk him into it :D

    • #25441

      @Tattoo Deshi wrote:

      Looking much better then the the stick figure you did.lol sorry if I sounded harsh on that post don’t mean for it to come off that way

      Lol don’t worry about it, I’ve come a long ways since then! Oh and now that that stick figure has healed it really does looks a LOT better. It was on my brother-in-law so I get to see it all the time.

    • #25442

      @Infamous wrote:

      @Tattoo Deshi wrote:

      Looking much better then the the stick figure you did.lol sorry if I sounded harsh on that post don’t mean for it to come off that way

      Lol don’t worry about it, I’ve come a long ways since then! Oh and now that that stick figure has healed it really does looks a LOT better. It was on my brother-in-law so I get to see it all the time.

      +1 on your journey thus far ;D
      Every journey starts with the first step. And you my friend, have taken alot of steps ;)

    • #25443

      Thanks! And, I’m still not anywhere close to where I want to be ;)

    • #25444

      Well thats it, you’ve come along way, most dont even know were they want to go ;)
      If you know were you want to go, then just follow the path, and eventually you will get there.

    • #25445


      Not really very happy with this piece. Its very plain, not my style at all :/ It’s what he brought me to do though, except I moved the lettering from horizontal to vertical for him.

      This is what I had planned:

      Except I was going to do a solid fill of the background and let all those letters and circles and scroll things pop out, add some cracks here and there and toss in some gray shading

    • #25446

      I think you should have done something in between the letters and the edge…. It actually looks like two pieces that happend to be in the same spot…

      A shame though. But hey, cant win all the time right? ;)

    • #25447

      My problem is I don’t know how to get people BACK in the chair. I have a hard time saying anything to point out my work could be better to a client, I always want them to think it is just absolutely amazing. Even when I know I could do more.

      How do I go about telling a client I want to do more to their tattoo?

    • #25448

      Thats a tuff one actually.
      Firstly, be honest, I know, its hard and thinking it would ruin some reputation. But better to be honest and say, Oh man, this really needs more work. Then saying. This is sooooo cool, you will love it.

      But once they have left the chair…. And you think it needed more… Well then its really hard, unless its a person you see often.

    • #25449

      About the 2 hour mark, he asked me if the letters looked okay the way they were. I said yeah they look Okay just let me touch them up a bit more, which I did.

      What I really want is a chance to do something amazing! I need a conversation starter piece and I think my clients, well, they don’t have the money for me to do that.

      The next time this happens, I’m seriously thinking about just asking if they have somewhere to be, and if the answer is no then stopping the clock for them. But at the same time I only charge $40 per hour so still what to do.

      I guess I just have to choose art over money, which is okay, for me its definitely not about the money anyways.

    • #25450

      Put it like this;

      You charge 40 bucks an hour. And you really want to do something amazing right? Then I would have to say, Forget the money at this point.
      If thats the barrier your clients have at this moment, and they only want to pay two hours tops…. I then think you have to be more flexible in this.

      You can A
      Do what you do, and charge pr hour everytime. This will leave you with only two hours work, even though, you could do soooo much more. And you will never do any thing spectacular. You show these pieces to future clients, and they will be like… Mjaaa…

      You can B
      Forget the money at this point. And go at a piece 3 to 4 hours, maybe more (charge for the two hours, and embrace the other two) This will give you a chance to shine brightly, really show clients what you CAN do. Call it an investment in your future clientel…

      Now if you dont show what you can do with more time, people will never let you do more then 2 hours… This is mt take on this, I have done some “charity” work, and it payed of. ;)

    • #25451

      Maybe I should just do that

    • #25452

      Just wanted to share my facebook page, I just made it last night, so there’s not much on it but there will be more coming!

      If you haven’t already seen it, and liked it 8-) the link is http://facebook.com/inkbyinfamous

    • #25453

      ??????????????????????????????? :cry:

    • #25454

      um. Anyway..

      Just got to do this piece today, I’m really happy with it! It’s the first time I’ve got to work with so much color.

      Used a 3rl for lining and 5rs for the color
      Kuro Sumi outline, and Mom’s Millennium Ink for Colors

    • #25455

      how do you feel about millennium mom’s?

      as far as the tattoo the design is good, but you need to really watch how you’re tatting.

      some lines look scratched, and others are blown out
      the outline is pretty shaky
      your lines arent very consistent either which makes the symmetrical look completely die
      you could have also used different colour values in the design to add depth
      it’s very flat
      its hard to tell with the flash but it looks like you lost the shape of the triforce, and also looks like there is green in it?

      did you put ointment on before taking the photo? i usually do it after to avoid the shine from the flash!

      sorry for being so harsh, but I can see the large image now that I’m on my dads pc
      its hard to tell whats going on int he middle due to the flash

    • #25456

      Its okay, that’s why I post here! I need to hear these things ;)

      I don’t know about blow out, but I’ll agree some are really shakey. I was trying to get some fine lines by using a 3RL but probably should’ve used at least a 7… Actually there may be some blowout from the red now that you mention it.

      What happened with the green in the tri-force was that I colored the tri-force first in yellow, then did the blue and when I wiped some of my blue got in the yellow and made green :cry: I’m really hoping it heals yellow. Lesson learned, color from the outside in!

      It’s really shiny but I swear there is no ointment on this, I don’t know what to do to fix that :/

      I’m pretty happy with the colors, they went in nice and smooth and are very bright and pretty. As long as they heal well, I’ll be sticking with them.

      edit: and yeah, I probably should’ve shaded this it would have given it more depth and made the lines less noticeable, but unfortunately that was an after thought. I’ll see this client again in two weeks for more so depending on how it looks I might be able to add shading then..

    • #25457

      A shame with the lines though…. It really looks like you didnt get a good strecth on this one.

      Oh a little colouring tip here. Always start with the darkest colour. Whites for last, and just before that, yellow. Remember your are making a hundred holes in the skin, and they are left opend. When darker colour “glides” in lighter color areas, they will mix up, and you get a complete different colour.
      Again, its not a “must do”, since you actually can start with lighter, then work up to a darker. But its just too damn easy wipping over the areas…

    • #25458

      My plan was to work on the lightest colors and up to the darkest, but I abandoned that as soon as I saw green in my yellow.

      Also, I was intending on making the winged part Black, but then she’s like nope I want it red :oops: this was of course after I had lined it, and was hoping to be able to cover it up with the fill

    • #25459

      Got another pic from the client, its a little fuzzy bit it shows a very bright yellow which I am beyond relieved to see!


    • #25460

      Remember those awful tattoos I posted here a while back on my Dad that I was asking advice on how to cover-up?

      Here’s one of them :D

      It’s a traditional style eagle done over the words “Lone Rider” on my Dads forearm

    • #25461

      My wifey’s second tattoo


      “Dive Deep Drown Willingly” a quote from one of her favorite books.. (I’m not sure which, actually) but its one out of the Circle Trilogy by Ted Dekker.

      Also I had to note that color I mixed for that green looks like it would do nicely someday for a realism background on a jungle theme. It’s 5 drops of Ectoplasmic Green, 3 drops of Hello Yellow, and one drop of White by Mom’s.

      I used a 3RL, 9RL, and 7RS for this and even though I had more of the regular black tubes I had to try out my new freeflows. They were so much more comfy compared to my old ones and have a really big ink reservoir :)

    • #25462

      why is it green and red?

    • #25463

      Excellent question!

      It has to do with the story, and I’m sure my wife could explain it much better than I can but here goes; The story goes something like this (and it makes more sense if you understand the Christian religion) there are these people with this terrible skin condition where they look stony and nasty but if they go down to this water (Elyon’s water) they can bathe in it and they’ll be fine for the rest of the day but they’ll wake up again the next day the same as they were before. In reference to the color, the blood that was shed in the water, once it was shed the water turned very colorful and the person who had “drowned” in the water came up and was completely cured from the disease.

      Does that make sense?

    • #25464

      oh ok
      in that case it looks awesome :D

    • #25465

      Lol thanks :)

    • #25466

      originally i was going to say “Looks good, but water is normally blue XD”
      but it makes sense that its those colours XD

    • #25467

      Yeah lol, she specifically told me she did not want blue at all. My original sketch for her definitely sported the blue with just a little red in it.. But it means more to her this way so, okay :) And I was going to put highlights in the drop but she wanted it solid red. Let’s just say my wife is one of those difficult clients lol

    • #25468

      well she just knows what she wants :P

    • #25469

      This just in! :)

      I did an ambigram on myself, one way is my name “Jeremiah” the other is my wife’s “Samantha”


    • #25470

      This one is quite cool.
      Now lets just hope you gus stay together and six month in the grave as well :P

      Hahaha I always makes people think about a name tattoo (of their spouse) 5 times. ;) Or at least do it in a lighter color then black, that way, IF the unspoken happens, then the tattoo can be covered ;)

    • #25471

      I’ve never worried about superstition to much, you just got to have faith in some things :)

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