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    • #14833

      i have the superior brand hectograph stencil pencils and i use regular tracing paper. i am having the hardest time getting them to stay, and i just got screwed on my stencil paper i ordered from ebay. never got it, they refunded it, now i gotta wait who knows how long for that to clear back to my card. i ordered it last month. i am so annoyed and i am going out of town for a week soon to get some more practice(on myself of course….cant do it where i am staying due to sanitary issues and lighting sucks and family that would not approve etc)

      i was really hoping for the paper to get here but guess i am back to the ‘drawing board’ so to speak lol.

      so any suggestions would be extremely helpful thanx!

    • #21078

      correction:it stays, i am having problems getting it ON nice. it either doesnt go on(like i dont have enough of the stuff to get it to stay) or it is blotchy or it is blurry or it moves too much on me. i know its all about practice but i cant seem to tell if i am putting too much stuff on or not enough until i do the stencil and it is ruined and i have to redraw it out and then i just get frustrated.

      idk what is best stuff to use to apply them either.

      any tips would be awesome though. :D

    • #21079

      Normally I use something that’s a bit tacky or dries a little sticky. I know in us they use some thing called green soap?? … I just get a bit of anti bacterial soap rub a dot on to the area til it dries dry and stick stencil on! …. since I last tattooed my self I. Have bought stencil stay … but the soap worked well just have to get the timing right .. too well stencil runs and too dry it won’t stick :)

    • #21080

      ok thank you i will try that. have you ever used the pencils or do you just use the paper sheets with the hectograph sheet? not sure if there is a preference by other people for one over the other. i would think the pencils are less waste but at the same time i have issues with them breaking often which sux. i am getting the hang of them better now though.

    • #21081

      No never used the pencils :/

      I either do the stencils or freehand with a skin marker first.

    • #21082

      Years ago I used to use hectagraph ink and pen, and speed stick. Worked great.
      But now I use photoshop C4 and a thermal stenciling machine. Works even fantastic!
      I am reluctant to even try the hectagraph pencils, they kinda seem like they would be a pain keeping ’em sharpened.

    • #21083

      I bought one of the pencils just to see if it works.
      I ended up giving it to my kid.

    • #21084

      @Loopi wrote:

      Normally I use something that’s a bit tacky or dries a little sticky. I know in us they use some thing called green soap?? … I just get a bit of anti bacterial soap rub a dot on to the area til it dries dry and stick stencil on! …. since I last tattooed my self I. Have bought stencil stay … but the soap worked well just have to get the timing right .. too well stencil runs and too dry it won’t stick :)

      Stencil Stay is great stuff if used right. Make sure you apply a very thin film, don’t get all wet and sloppy with it. Also, make sure you wait about 15 to 20 minutes after putting on the stencil to start working. It may seem dry after five, but if you will wait the whole 15, it won’t matter how much you wipe, it won’t fade on you. This was a major probelm for me when I began. Halfway through the outline the stencil would be gone. Tincture of green soap works okay, but not like stencil stay. Also, I saw somebody say speed stick anipersperant. DONT DO IT! That’s severe cross contamination if you even think about using the speed stick more than once.

    • #21085

      never used the pencils either, i had tried so many different products to get the carbon to stay on the skin; in the end i was told about some old school technique which is cheap but works really really well! wipe neat dettol onto the skin and make sure there’s quite a bit on and place the stencil straight on hold it down and peel off. leave the whole thing to dry for about 5 mins and ink away. this does work better if your stencil is drawn onto regular paper as the paper sucks up any excess dettol, rather than tracing paper which can smudge the carbon on the skin a little. this technique also helps the carbon to stay on the skin whilst your inking, so your not trying to tattoo a fading stencil.
      a little trick i also found today was to place a segment of tissue over the stencil area that my machine hand was rubbing over, this prevented any stencil dissapearing before i got to it, i know to start at the bottom of a tattoo and work upwards but on some this is’nt always possible :) good luck

    • #21086

      A thermal copier is the best way to make a stencil however plenty of us can’t afford a thermal copier. If that plenty includes you, hecto paper and either a regular pen or pencil should really do the trick. Just make sure your paper is not to old or too used and that your pressing hard enough. I use reagular tracin paper, although if your careful the top sheet from the hecto paper works excellent, it just tears easily.

      I used green soap when I first started. It’s really effective to get a good carbon on the skin. However keeping it there is a whole other story.

      Stencil Stay works. It’s soo incredibly effective if used right. It has to be just barely dry, a tiny bit tacky. It will work even better when a bit wetter, but it’s tricky to get carbons on without smearing. And once you get the carbon on you have to let it dry.

      Ive never used any other method since findin stencil stay, but I’m pretty sure any other stencil product will work just as well.

      How many stencils have you placed on skin?

    • #21087

      If anyone wants to just play around with thier own mix try this: equal parts green soap, speed stick, alcohol. You probably have all that just laying around if you doing any tattoo work and keeping up with personal hygiene!!! :lol: It works pretty darn good, Ive used this for a while now….

    • #21088

      this is what i use, and i don’t lose stencils. melt speed stick in microwave. 2 ounces green soap, 2 ounces alchol(i use 50%). put in spray bottle. spray on gloved hand and apply thin layer to skin. then stencil. you are set

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