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    • #15539

      I am starting a new thread (gasp!) but will be posting my future pics here… just cause I need a “single spot” ….

      I did this one for fun, and my daughter decided to help!! So .. sorry about the pen scratch at the bottom of the page.

    • #25051

      I take it your pen scratch was your daughters addition to the piece?
      I think it brings the whole piece together! :O
      it is a very beautiful, intricate, and very detailed designs. I am very impressed.
      I really enjoy looking at your work! you are very talented, and your use of pop colours is amazing!

    • #25052

      Thank You so much!! I really love the Henna designs and details. I am terrible at simplicity.

    • #25053

      An integrete piece. Liking the patterns you did.

      And yes, the scratch your daughter did, well….. Without it, I dont think it would be the same.

    • #25054

      She loves to draw and loves to grab my things to draw with! She is only 19 months old and she will bring me her “drawings” and say, “Niice!!” with a big smile. I really can’t be upset with her at all.

    • #25055

      I have a son, 8 years old. And he loves to draw. But unfortunately I think I’m ruining him. He keeps saying, that he will never be as good as dad, and he hardly wants to show me, what he did draw/paint. And that actually makes me sad to see, that my son dosent have any confidence in himself.
      Even though I genuenly tell him that I’m proud of him for doing what he does. And frankly, he has some out of the box thinking when it comes to art, really thinking of all the details.
      And my two year old daughter, shes just happy, if she can eat the pencils ;)

    • #25056

      Eating the pencils, lol :lol: my baby girl does the same thing. And she colors her skin ;-) and the walls, and the floor ….. ahhhh ….. kids.

      My son is a bit like that as well…. he just has me draw him what he wants. But I was thinking maybe in the future I would just leave a post-it on a drawing of his saying, “god job!” or something encouraging. Too bad I didn’t hold onto my stuff when I was little, then I could show my son that I too, was like him and he too, will be able to draw like me. If only we think of these things when we were 8 years old. :lol: :lol:

    • #25057

      And yes, she gives every funiture “new life” with her artistic touch. :D

      You gave me an idea there, I am most certain that my mom still has my old drawings (Shes a massive collector) of my turtles, yeah a big fan back then :D
      But I actually never thought about that….. Thanks, I think you just did it :D

    • #25058

      my board attachment quota has been reached?

    • #25059
    • #25060

      yep that worked!
      if you’re using google chrome you can also right clickt hei mage on facebook, and click “Copy Image URL” I think with FireFox its Copy Image Location :3
      You’re really popping out the henna style designs! I have a friend in Malaysia that does Henna

    • #25061

      I have a mac … the first MacBookPro off the market (like what, 2003??) …… I can’t believe it still works faster than my husband’s BRAND NEW Microsoft computer. :lol:

    • #25062

      I built my PC so it’s a beast lmao

    • #25063

      So here is one that I did at dinner ….


      I started with the black lines and then filled in with color – never erasing a thing …. to see if I could do this…. while making the kids some food. ;-) Chicken.

    • #25064

      That is an awesome turtle

    • #25065

      After doing so much black and white, I was only too happy to put color in my sketch. ;-)

    • #25066

      A great turtle.
      And I can see it as a great tattoo as well. :D

    • #25067

      I post all of my work on my Art Facebook site and this one is the most popular so far … hahah inspired after reading another tattoo book (order some more with lots of images).

    • #25068

      As I always says:
      Insperation comes when you least expect it. :D

    • #25069

      Here is a fish I quickly did this morning. Next time I will change the water ….not happy with it – but it was fun nonetheless. :-)


    • #25070

      The fish looks good, and yeah I’d say your water looks more like fire in this pic. Interesting but I don’t think you meant to do it that way

    • #25071

      It was actually off of a guide I chose where there was a plant behind the fish, and while I was drawing it I was thinking it looked more like seaweed. LOL – Oh well. Next time.

    • #25072

      Oh yeah, okay, I totally thought it was supposed to look like seaweed

    • #25073

      Here is my first Koi. While looking at the Tattoo books (and viewing what I could of what is ordered and on its way) I think I like the idea of tackling each genre of tattoo style. ….


      Ta da.

    • #25074
    • #25075

      Now thats a nice looking koi

    • #25076

      that’s a rad koi :3

    • #25077

      @JDawnPearls wrote:

      It was actually off of a guide I chose where there was a plant behind the fish, and while I was drawing it I was thinking it looked more like seaweed. LOL – Oh well. Next time.

      Actually a great lesson to be had here. Even though you see it, dosent mean it should be there. Remember to give everything your own touch, not just copying or following a guide.
      It does look more like fire, then seaweed/plant ;) Since one of the… “flames/plants” runs infront of the fishy ;)

      The koi is amazing :D Liking the colour on it :D

      A bit of history/superstition/asking the stars/symbol Thingy (yeah I have those moments in and out sometimes)
      When a koi fish, in traditionel, is made into a tattoo or a drawing, and the head of it is facing down. This actually means bad luck ;)
      This all dates back to the old story about the fish. The Koi is a fighting fish, climbing a waterfall and making it through to the top. Now if the Koi’s head was down, it actually goes with the current, not carring to make it through the rough climb ;)
      This is why the Koi has such a strong symbolic meaning today. People get the fish, becourse they have overcome some rough periode.

      A bit o history 101
      (Sorry about that, but I’m a history/symbolic nerd :ugeek: )

    • #25078


      That is very important information and very interesting because I have seen thousands of tattoos with the fish head down. I’ve seen them with another Koi in the Yin-Tang and I’ve seen them face up. The reason I did face down is because I saw that tattoo or photo more often than any other. SO it makes me wonder who DOESN’T know about the history???? I read a book on tattoos / history and it didn’t mention the face down, only mentioned its otherwise long history and importance to the person who gets it. This is very useful information and I will keep it in mind for now on …… but I wonder – this simple info has been MISSED ????!!!!

    • #25079

      As I said;

      I’m a nerd when it comes to the more spiritual/symbolic history of things :ugeek: Its just of personal interest. ;) I have tons of history books, books on symbols, books on religions, and so on ;)

      And even the colour theme on the Koi has a symbolic meaning ;) But thats a whole different story :ugeek:

      But why its missed in the history of tatooing books, I have no idea. If you search the Koi fish, and eliminate any tattoo relations, (its difficult) then you will get its story.
      And actually it makes sence. Koi up a waterfall, struggerling and making it better (YOU CAN DO IT FISH) Face up.
      Koi down… “Nooo dont want to do it, just let the flow carry me” Face down… ;)

    • #25080

      Naturally, I went and did some reading (also happy I chose the red colors … hehehe) but I also read that the face down Koi is one at peace and tranquility – or perhaps the last feed before the journey up.

      I was reading about the changing into the dragon and had a tattoo idea …. :-) We will see ….

      I hope that the two books I ordered are going to have more information.

    • #25081

      Hahaha yes there are plenty of stories to go around.

      Wanna know a trade secret??? :geek:

      It all comes down to one simple thing, what the client believes, deep down inside, it is ;)
      But nevertheless, fun to know the story behind things ;)

    • #25082

      Well, based on my recent readings I will do one more Koi drawing … 5 Golden Koi swimming UP stream… heheheh The one that I did yesterday was popular, a friend of mine wants it done on him… But I think the water is versatile – he could probably get it done going UP and then on his right side so the head is NOT toward his back.

    • #25083

      Yeah, I did not know of any of these stories before I got into tattooing. I have one book that goes through all of the popular tattoos and explains the symbolism and it talked about how a koi through great perseverance could turn into a dragon. And, suddenly a part of my childhood made perfect sense. Magikarp evolves into Gyarados. POKEMON! lol

      And I’ve always thought Koi facing downward was the yin half of a yin yang.

    • #25084

      OK so here it is …. my second Koi sketch …. (not the idea I was talking about earlier), but nonetheless it adds to my portfolio…


      oh, and I didn’t use a guide. This is entirely from the head (while waiting for my kids to eat breakfast)…. and listening to cartoons… lol … ahhhhh the life of a mom.

    • #25085

      @Infamous wrote:

      Magikarp evolves into Gyarados. POKEMON! lol

      I never thought about that… Your right :D Pokemon is more then just a cartoon… It tells true stories :D
      (Wonder why Pikachu never evolved… :?: )

      @JDawnPearls wrote:

      OK so here it is …. my second Koi sketch …. (not the idea I was talking about earlier), but nonetheless it adds to my portfolio…


      oh, and I didn’t use a guide. This is entirely from the head (while waiting for my kids to eat breakfast)…. and listening to cartoons… lol … ahhhhh the life of a mom.

      They are great.. Keep it up :D

    • #25086

      I FUCKING LOVE PIKACHU! *Flails wildly*

    • #25087

      @Ramenuzumaki wrote:

      I FUCKING LOVE PIKACHU! *Flails wildly*

      +1 literally made me laugh out loud

      @Lennart82 wrote:

      @Infamous wrote:

      Magikarp evolves into Gyarados. POKEMON! lol

      I never thought about that… Your right :D Pokemon is more then just a cartoon… It tells true stories :D
      (Wonder why Pikachu never evolved… :?: )

      Pikachu nearly evolved in the first season, but Pikachu didn’t want to become a Raichu and Ash showed her mercy and didn’t make her evolve. Coincidentally this made Pikachu just about the most powerful Pikachu in the entire Pokemon universe, which is why Team Rocket wants to steal her so bad.

      I’m a traditionalist Pokemon nerd. I know everything about the first 150 pokemon lol

      @JDawnPearls wrote:

      OK so here it is …. my second Koi sketch …. (not the idea I was talking about earlier), but nonetheless it adds to my portfolio…


      oh, and I didn’t use a guide. This is entirely from the head (while waiting for my kids to eat breakfast)…. and listening to cartoons… lol … ahhhhh the life of a mom.

      These look pretty good, not quite as detailed as your others but I am still liking it. Enlighten me because I don’t know, why 5 golden koi?

    • #25088

      The 5 Koi I read, I guess like a family – is supposed to represent good luck stronger? I had but thenread it was 7 Koi from a different source. But the 7 had all different colors, representing the role of each family member.

    • #25089

      Ah okay, well that makes sense

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