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    • #15532

      I did this in pencil at first and it looked good. I was mad at myself for adding color because I liked it better when it was black white and grey. But when I added the fire part, I forgave myself. Next time I will stick to the “realistic as possible” sketch to show you I’m better at black and white, if needed….

    • #24991

      looks good dude :3
      three more :D

    • #24992

      hahaha I can’t believe I missed that. That’s great! Three more it is!!!

    • #24993

      btw by dude i totally meant Dudette :P

    • #24994

      hahaha no worries. I grew up hearing dude all of the time, regardless of gender. ;-) I was excited to do more roses, here is my second. A sort of “second chance” to show my black and white.

      I’m pondering #3 and #4…. :-) This is fun.

    • #24995

      I was hoping to do something more graphic … and so I used a new marker I bought. Well, the colors were not what I thought (the pen cap is deceiving) and I know that I should have stopped at an earlier point. (I wish the grey didn’t look like black)… anyway … sorry about the blue leaves.

    • #24996

      great work!
      i really like the portrait style one.
      the graphic style one is very unique :D

    • #24997

      Shoot, this graphic one reminds me of a 1970’s school book cover. …… the coloring is NOT what I expected …. sometimes markers just don’t pull it off which is why I’ve been sticking to pencil.

    • #24998

      @Ramenuzumaki wrote:

      btw by dude i totally meant Dudette :P

      +10 :lol: :lol: Made my day…

      But seriously :ugeek:
      The penciled fire rose looks great, and I can already see it as a tattoo.

      That reflexion rose is totally of the scale, awesome piece.

      The marker rose, it looks like a feature in photoshop, when you artistic/metallic the whole part. And no, not saying its a photoshop picture ;) I can see its made by hand
      All in all, awesome work Dudette :P

    • #24999

      Ok so here is #4 – I feel like I learned a little …. ha!

      On this one (first thing in the morning with a cup of coffee vs the #3 which was late at night after the kids finally fell asleep) … I used only my ink pen. I wanted to work on line and only line. I didn’t touch a single marker (hating them right now, color liars!) and I wanted it to be something that I could do without so much struggle. What?

      By struggle I mean this one is entirely out of the head. The first three I had a rose in front of me (#1) (I have vases of roses in the house) or it was a photo that was taken I used as a guide. But from drawing so many roses, getting this right out of my head was pretty easy (Wow, practice works! SURPRISE!)… hahahaha

      does it? :-)

      So there we go. Lesson One assignment complete.

    • #25000

      @Lennart82 wrote:

      @Ramenuzumaki wrote:

      btw by dude i totally meant Dudette :P

      The marker rose, it looks like a feature in photoshop, when you artistic/metallic the whole part. And no, not saying its a photoshop picture ;) I can see its made by hand
      All in all, awesome work Dudette :P

      I am going to take the Photoshop comment as a compliment at this point. Hahaha :-) But I know what you mean. My first reaction was, “really, jessica? You’re going to try and pass this off?” ……. What I do know is it would have looked better if the rose was in less bloom and the lower pedals were not drawn in. It expands composition too much and is a bit tiring on the eyes.

    • #25001

      And it was meant as one :)

      Practise makes perfect :D
      And getting the time to do it, can be a challenge, all by itself ;)

      looks good though. Like the idea of just using a pen.

      But, not the judge of this, So cant give you a pass :D

    • #25002

      woah! great work on allfour of these pieces :3
      i can draw traditional roses from my head but not realistic ones haha i need a reference for that!
      i am really impressed. feel free to move onto lesson 2

    • #25003

      Thank You!! Lesson Two here I come.

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