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    • #23066

      Hi peeps! can someone please help me< iv got more pics of my work that i cant post! It comes up with red writing a warning saying to high of pixel?And also how can i post more pics on the one post, instead of posting each photo? Thanks any help is appreciated!

    • #23067

      HOLY solid work with rotary there bro! nice work
      i see you do a lot of script haha i hate script D:
      loving the feet tats. im a huge traditional fan


      make ana ccount here, and upload your pics, then you can use the hyperlink and link them in a post, and just piost them all at once! :)

    • #23055

      You have some really nice work!!! Very solid work.. I do see you are having trouble pulling those lines at the ends with those loops and they are coming out shaky!! I would guess you are using a 5rl on most of them if not then im wrong but my advise would be to use a 7rl cause it pulls a less shaky line or use a 5rl and a 5rs and slightly hit the shaky spots to straighten them.. The reasion i say this is cause i do ALOT of script and my mentor told me to do iit that way and it helped alot!!

    • #23068

      Thanks heaps Ramen bro, I’ll be sticking to using my rotary machine, lol. It’s just so consistent and you don’t have to worry about tuning it, coils to many variables, armature, cap, front spring, back spring, o rings the list goes on hahah! Nothing Againts coilys, just find it easier to use the rotary! Those foot pieces spun me out, best work iv done so far I think, I sketched them up and shaded my two designs, stencilled it and started just following the shading of my drawing, and I was stoked with the end result so was my mate! :D

    • #23069

      Hey Rob thanks alot bro for your feed back! Yeah I’d say most were 5rl but I did use some 7rl an the last piece you see on this page was done in a 9rl! Thanks for the tip, so how do you use the 5rs to fix up line work, just run straight over it?

    • #23070

      That’s exactly it. My old mentor uses Cheyenne Rotaries because of the needle cartridges they use, and because they are, well, ROTARY! You need to be careful with rotary though. A lot of people say they can do it all, but liners, and shaders have different cam wheels. Also there is no margin for error! You need to tattoo PROPERLY, otherwise all your mistakes will show. It’s an easy way to find out if the problems are you, or your machine though. Personally, I love coils. I want to master coils, so I probably wont try rotary. If I tried anything it would be the new magnetic drive system that’s coming out.

    • #23071

      what kind of rotary are you using?

    • #23072

      I use the a swashdrive whip!

    • #23073

      That’s sick man!! I hope I get this good one day

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