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    • #14257

      Thank you for your advice Viper and Texas , this is the first piece using your advice , I did the wider outline just to see what it would look like . I am using 10 coil machines I got from E-Bay The inks I used are Scream Pitch Black and Cherry Bomb , I used a 9 rs for the shading the main fill I used a 7 mag and for the outline I used a 5 mag

    • #18779

      wow after seeing the other work posted here I might better not have posted my work looks like a hack went to work on my stuff

    • #18780

      well here is another try better I think, I will just keep trying to follow advice and hopefully my mentor will actually decide to take me back I spent the 6 months I was with her doing the set up and clean up and general bull or grunt work so I started on the practice skins after she took off trying real hard . I love this art and want to do it for the rest of my life . This time I used the real cheap ink that came with my kit and I used a 7 RL and a 9 RS

    • #18781

      Try using a 14r for the outline, you can use a shader that will give you plenty of weight for a cartoon style tattoo, just fix the edges with a 3rl or single needle. you can also outline the black with a thin white line to give it the impression of a sticker, also some white highlights to give some reflected light would be good. This is for the heart tat

    • #18782

      looking better. focus on clean lines. Nice, crisp, definite lines.

    • #18783

      I had actually responded earlier as well, but lost my internet.. :o
      Looking better…I wouldnt recommend you using those mags to outline, I dont think your quite ready for that. Use a 7rl, or 9rl for your outlines and try like it was mentioned to keep the lines nice and crisp. I would find me a outline with tons of line work and just start laying down lines till i nailed it..matter of fact thats basically what i did already. The color looks good, a 9rs wont give you good gradient in my opinon unless you really do know how to use it correctly, personally, I dont…I use a larger mag and get better gradient that way. ***dont forget highlights**** you need highlights to bring life to these otherwise they look flat, not bad, but flat. Remeber the highlights. A good tattoo needs darks, midtones and HIGHLIGHTS. :D

      Keep it up your getting better and progressing. DOnt worry bout using the cheap inks for these, I use alot of cheap ink on my practice skins just the same.. 8-)

    • #18784

      thank you very much I will do just that

    • #18785

      Viper, I dont want to start a big flaming match here, so please don’t take this the wrong way: in another post you are asking people to say what needles they used when doing their work, then here you tell OP that you don’t reccomend they use certain needles…

    • #18786

      LOL…no harm no foul…
      Yes, you are correct, I did ask what others were using as far as needles. Yes, I did recommmend that instead of outlining with a Mag the OP uses a RL. I maybe incorrect here but I think the OP needs to learn to use an RL before using a Mag for outline work. Sorry I have have offended. :)

    • #18787

      I think knowing what someone is using just gives someone with a bit more knowledge the ability to recommend and alternative that may be easier or more efficient. I never even thought to line with a round shader until someone suggested it after I struggled to build lines with a tight round.

    • #18788

      Viper, no offense taken :D
      A 14rs is pretty easy to use and puts in a pretty straight line but if you want a crisp edge you need to tidy it up with a small tight liner, I use this technique a lot when I want thicker lines, I have other techniques posted elsewhere but this is the easiest I think.

    • #18789

      I finally got up the courage with my Mentors approval to do my first human skin tattoo’s , and I look forward to all compliments and criticism in regards to these Tattoo’s . The butterflies were my very first 2

    • #18790

      @DuchessCCC wrote:

      I finally got up the courage with my Mentors approval to do my first human skin tattoo’s , and I look forward to all compliments and criticism in regards to these Tattoo’s . The butterflies were my very first 2

      , Bugs Bunny is my second attempt

    • #18791

      I finally got up the courage with my Mentors approval to do my first human skin tattoo’s , and I look forward to all compliments and criticism in regards to these Tattoo’s . The butterflies were my very first 2 , Bugs Bunny is my second attempt , and this Precious Moments ballerina is my fourth try , I did a seahorse in between these 2 but the client did not want me to take a picture till it is completely healed fully I expect she will back in Kingston next month so I will get a picture then.I have 1 ,ore just about finished I have more to shade in so I will post it when it is fully shaded

    • #18792

      Looking good, obviously, still some ways to go…some of the line work is pretty sketchy but overall not horrible. You seem to have really put in the colors well, no problems there for the most part. I would say work on the lining skills some more and get them improved and you shall be well underway!!!

    • #18793

      thank you ,here are some more new tries, I am still working on my lines but I think I am getting better.

    • #18794

      [attachment=0:13qld020]Butterfly.jpg[/attachment:13qld020] @DuchessCCC wrote:

      thank you ,here are some more new tries, I am still working on my lines but I think I am getting better.

    • #18795

      @DuchessCCC wrote:

      [attachment=1:32pm1sif]Butterfly.jpg[/attachment:32pm1sif] @DuchessCCC wrote:

      thank you ,here are some more new tries, I am still working on my lines but I think I am getting better.

    • #18796

      [attachment=0:41n2mtj9]Pin-up.jpg[/attachment:41n2mtj9] @DuchessCCC wrote:

      @DuchessCCC wrote:

      [attachment=2:41n2mtj9]Butterfly.jpg[/attachment:41n2mtj9] @DuchessCCC wrote:

      thank you ,here are some more new tries, I am still working on my lines but I think I am getting better.

    • #18797

      this is one I am working on ,on my thigh ,in honor of my grand daughter who will arrive in June

    • #18798

      @DuchessCCC wrote:

      this is one I am working on ,on my thigh ,in honor of my grand daughter who will arrive in June

      This is my final one for now, please let me know what you think

    • #18799

      Anyone have any constructive critisim

    • #18800

      my tattoo work used to look like that…..when i was 14 and my machine was made from a rc motor and ballpoint pen……

    • #18801

      @destructo wrote:

      my tattoo work used to look like that…..when i was 14 and my machine was made from a rc motor and ballpoint pen……

      I asked for constructive not insults thank you and did you ever stop to think that the angle on which it was taken was not the greatest or that even my lighting is not great , I do realize that I have a lot more to learn and I do realize my line work is shaky . But as one artist to another you were simply rude and crude with your words. If there is anyone out there with any constructive criticizum , I would love to hear it as it is through experience tips and just talking to our fellow artists that we learn and grow as both human beings and Tattoo Artists.

    • #18802

      constructive critisism? i hope this helps…

      1. pics are too small. if you want good critique, we need to be able to see the pics. i know this site has small pic limits, so post better quality pics elsewhere and link them in your post.
      2. excuses about lighting and angle of your photos just shows that you are not showing us your best. how can we really criticise if the pic is crappy? take good pics.
      3. the term “scratcher” comes from tattoos that look like this. from what little i can see in the small pics, your lining is not smooth at all, looks like its been “scratched” out like the motion you make when doing a pencil sketching. lining needs to be smoother, like the motion made when drawing a smooth line with a sharpie marker- one continuiouse and steady motion.

      i’m not trying to put you down, just trying to be honest with you. if you can’t do longer smoother lining, you may need to strengthen you hands. be ready to put down the machines for a bit. you can attach a junk tattoo machine to a mechanical pencil and do excercises on paper until your fingers literally cramp up- or bleed. whicever comes first. do this 5 days a week for several months, then try doing a small simple tattoo and you will be amazed at the difference that hand strength can make. cheers.

    • #18803

      @cjmahone66 wrote:

      constructive critisism? i hope this helps…

      1. pics are too small. if you want good critique, we need to be able to see the pics. i know this site has small pic limits, so post better quality pics elsewhere and link them in your post.
      2. excuses about lighting and angle of your photos just shows that you are not showing us your best. how can we really criticise if the pic is crappy? take good pics.
      3. the term “scratcher” comes from tattoos that look like this. from what little i can see in the small pics, your lining is not smooth at all, looks like its been “scratched” out like the motion you make when doing a pencil sketching. lining needs to be smoother, like the motion made when drawing a smooth line with a sharpie marker- one continuiouse and steady motion.

      i’m not trying to put you down, just trying to be honest with you. if you can’t do longer smoother lining, you may need to strengthen you hands. be ready to put down the machines for a bit. you can attach a junk tattoo machine to a mechanical pencil and do excercises on paper until your fingers literally cramp up- or bleed. whicever comes first. do this 5 days a week for several months, then try doing a small simple tattoo and you will be amazed at the difference that hand strength can make. cheers.

      Thank you very much for that critique I really appreciate it and yes I know that my lines were shaky in that tattoo . I have since improved my lines although I do realize that I still need to work on my line work . Any sites that to post my pictures and put the link here. And thank you .actually , I just thought of this ,
      I started with this ,my friend had a different friend do this years ago
      and this is what I did with it
      I hope that these pictures are better , and once again thank you

    • #18804

      thanks for posting the bigger pics, that’s a step in the right direction.
      i see lots of blowouts! you need to put down the machines for a while. work on your art, take up some different mediums like charcoal or watercolor. these will help you do better tattoos. 90% of art is done in your mind, so picking up other mediums that are less permanent will eventually make your tattoos better.
      that being said, the last 10% of the equation is in technique. you need to work on yours alot. tattoo bananas to learn good depth and hand speed. this will help reduce blowouts in the future. also try pigskin, it will help you learn to shade and color.
      so in this order, this is my advice just to be clear:
      1. work on your ART, post pics. get feedback, work on your art some more.
      2. work on your fundamental tattooing techiniques on fruits, gords and pigskin.
      3. the first time you think you got it down and ready to move back to skin, have the balls (or integrity) to know you are lieing to yourself and practice your fundamentals some more. you should buy so much pigskin that the butcher knows your name and he knows you ain’t cooking with it.
      4. learn about BBP, take a class if you need too. there is lots of great info on health related items on Ink-Trails forum. look it up, that forum is much more acitve than this one.
      5. when you are ready, start to only do small simple tattoos that lend themselves to the talents of a beginner (or lack of). things like kanji, small tribal, simple organic desings (like shamrocks), ect. eventually, you can SLOWLY take on larger and more complicated tattoos as your skills improve.

      good luck, i hope to see some of your art in the “Original Flash” section soon. peace.

    • #18805

      it would be one artist to another, if you were an artist. Ive been tattooing professionally 12 years and you are a scratcher. Go fuck yourself, you had the gall to email me and tell me im not a tattooist and your metor says im full of crap? if you had a mentor who was worth a shit, he or she would not be letting you tattoo that trash on people..

    • #18806

      Ok I am learning my self but that being said I am a artist for years. I feel you may have jumped ahead of your self a little bit with tattooing people. My tutor is very keen for my to try tattooing on people but I am holding back I ink my self but then thats my own skin I dont mind if i mess up on me.

      Yes some people are being a little nasty about your work and some people have been doing this for years and forget what its like to learn this skill.

      Your work still have a bit to come before I would expect you to even charge this people for the work, best idea would perhaps google “winnie the pooh” tattoo image and compare yours to other examples online. The image you put out was a little out of shape and he curved, this could be because of the area of the body you put the tattoo. remember when applying stencil you must get the client to stand or relax the area of the body other wise the skin could be line could be all wrong when the person stands and gravity takes hold.

      Also I dont like the “in the dog house” kinda took me a few seconds to figure out the sentence.

      All this being said, congrats on taking the step to tattoo real flesh, I am still doing the “hello mr. melon and is this your first tattoo? what a interesting tattoo idea,” the boss says i need to remember to speak to client! :)

    • #18807

      @Loopi wrote:

      Ok I am learning my self but that being said I am a artist for years. I feel you may have jumped ahead of your self a little bit with tattooing people. My tutor is very keen for my to try tattooing on people but I am holding back I ink my self but then thats my own skin I dont mind if i mess up on me.

      Yes some people are being a little nasty about your work and some people have been doing this for years and forget what its like to learn this skill.

      Your work still have a bit to come before I would expect you to even charge this people for the work, best idea would perhaps google “winnie the pooh” tattoo image and compare yours to other examples online. The image you put out was a little out of shape and he curved, this could be because of the area of the body you put the tattoo. remember when applying stencil you must get the client to stand or relax the area of the body other wise the skin could be line could be all wrong when the person stands and gravity takes hold.

      Also I dont like the “in the dog house” kinda took me a few seconds to figure out the sentence.

      All this being said, congrats on taking the step to tattoo real flesh, I am still doing the “hello mr. melon and is this your first tattoo? what a interesting tattoo idea,” the boss says i need to remember to speak to client! :)

      Thank you very much for your honesty and pointers !
      As for the idiot that told me to go ****k myself he is a cruel idiot who thinks way too much of himself and has forgotten as you said what it is all about , and I am not offended by being called a scratcher as some famous tattoo artists started out that way. And I know I have a lot to learn and will continue to follow those pointers that come in that are constructive and helpful to my fullest abilities.I will continue to learn and grow in spite of as**oles like destructo who are too good for anyone but themselves , as for having people pay for the tattoos I have not charged anyone and they are family and friends who volunteered their person as my practice canvas I still work on pig skin for the most part, as I find it the closest to human skin.Thank you again

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