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    • #15032

      :x My teacher crapped out on me. What really sucks is that I did 90 percent of the new shop setup. Paint,plumbing,electrical,HVAC, carpentry. Everything it takes to fit an old building into a proper Tattoo shop. As I am a facility mantainence mechanic by trade.I gave him my services and support to open up shop in my home town. He is a self proclaimed “World Famous Tattoo artist. He’s rubbed shoulders with the industry’s finest.His shop has photos of him with various celebrities of the entertainment industry. And some of the Tattoo world’s pioneers. He tattooed me when I was 14. And I was the only kid in school with a professional tattoo. That was 26 years ago. He moved here almost 2 years ago and gave me a half-assed commitment. To apprentice me. Well I got the basics from the A to Z book and continued info. from the Basics of modern tattooing book. Anyway I showed him a lot of commitment before he bailed on me. Now I’m “scratching” on willing friends for free. I know all the proper sterilization procedures. I’m even certified through my current job. Because it is in a Healthcare setting. I have a strong passion to tattoo. But I know I need a lot more instruction. from a teniored Pro. Any suggestions on how to find a new teacher would be great. I’m currently tattooing a good friends’ old work. In sessions as not to damage this person. “piece-meal” Work a little. Allow the skin to heal. Work a little more. And I’ve done pretty well tattooing my leg. I tattooed another friend the same way “piece-meal” sessions The end result was good. After 5 sessions with 2 & 4 week breaks in between.
      I know I can’t change my former instructor. Even though He is my cousin. Yeah I failed to mention that part. He’s a great Tattoo artist. But to self absorbed to be an instructor. The town we live in is only a population of 190,000. And there are about a dozen shops here. I’ve met a few of the reputable artists and know which shops rock. And I also know the ones I wouldn’t send my worst enemy to.I need an aprenticeship. I don’t want to be considered a scratcher. I want to do this right

    • #21756

      while i will say an apprenticeship is the best way. I will also say many many many many great/some best in the world tattoo artists are self taught. That is a bummer though, and hope things work out for you.

    • #21757

      You do NOT need an apprenticeship… There’s more than enough information in books and online to learn how to tattoo, it’s just a case of reviewing it, sifting the good tips from the garbage, and getting down to it. At the end of the day, you will learn by tattooing, regardless of how you are learning…

    • #21755


    • #21760

      First and foremost, I’m an artist. I have been an artist for longer than most have even been alive. I was not fortunate in getting an apprenticeship.
      I started tattooing 20 years ago when there was no internet or hardly any info on how to tattoo. Back when I decided to try my hand at tattooing, I sent off for a Spaulding and Rogers catalog and figured out what I would be needing. I then took some of my artwork to the local sports bar that we all used to hang out at after work, and a co worker who liked my artwork financed all my equipment for the exchange of free tattoos. After I did some experimenting with adjustments etc, and some practicing on my legs, I started tattooing my
      sponsor. I sleeved both of his arms, his shoulders and most of his back. Word got around especially after he won first place in a tattoo contest at the local biker bar for the roses and spiderwebs I did on his elbows.
      Word of mouth is a powerful thing. In no time, I had more work than I could handle. I was tattooing practically every nite after work, and all weekend long. When I moved to another state years later, I just kind of lost interest and free time to start it back up again.
      Since I have again gotten back into tattooing, I haven’t even considered doing an apprenticeship, and will not tolerate another person getting on at me for not doing an apprenticeship. I don’t see the need to sweep someones floor or take out they’re trash for exchange of what I already learned on my own. I am very self disciplined and have no bad habits. I am very “sterile field” conscious and I bag my cord and my machine. I use only sterile disposable tubes and needles and I keep hundreds of each on hand. My work area is a dedicated tattooing area and not the kitchen table like years ago.

      Don’t get me wrong, I highly recommend that people getting started in tattooing, first try to get an apprenticeship. But, if I had to do it all over again, I definitely would have done it differently.

    • #21758

      To everyone who posted a reply. Thanks a million for the encouragement. I WILL continue this pursuit of being a tattoo artist. I love the art. And the people. Thanks again for the fuel.

    • #21759

      An apprenticeship is good!! The only thing i can say is i started out just like everyone else in my living room of my house. I didn’t know anything about a apprenticeship until i found this site, and don’t remember how i even found this site!!! And that was after i had allready done a few tattoo’s. Then i went to a shop in my hometown where i had already gotten some ink done previously and asked about doing a apprenticeship, showed him some work that i had already done and he gave me a shot.. I thought i was doing well on my own and was looking to open my own shop but realized i had alot to learn. I look at it this way, (Learning To Drive) did i learn to drive a car by just sitting in the seat and take off? No, i watched my Uncle drive and listened to his instructions then got in,and drove in a little secure area until i was comfortable enough to drive with other cars around and it took awhile till i was good enough to get my license. You can learn to tattoo on your own but is it the right way? How would you know for sure unless you are instructed the right way? Why would take that chance with someone’s skin. Would you let someone operate on you’re heart without the proper training? I’m not saying it is impossible to do it , but i can say that it helped me and my artwork 100%. Im not getting on anyone so don’t freak out!! I was a scratcher to!!!

    • #21761

      While agree with what you are saying i hate when people try to compare tattoong to heart surgery or brain surgery or any surgery for that matter. In no way is tattooing similar to surgery. Applying ink into skin is not the same as cutting a person open. Cracking a chest and playing with the heart. Tattooing and surgery do not even come close to comparing to one another. If they did you would need to.go to school for 12 years before thinking aboit picking up machine. This just goes to show how some tatoo artsists think of themselves.

    • #21762

      @robroy289 wrote:

      An apprenticeship is good!! The only thing i can say is i started out just like everyone else in my living room of my house. I didn’t know anything about a apprenticeship until i found this site, and don’t remember how i even found this site!!! And that was after i had allready done a few tattoo’s. Then i went to a shop in my hometown where i had already gotten some ink done previously and asked about doing a apprenticeship, showed him some work that i had already done and he gave me a shot.. I thought i was doing well on my own and was looking to open my own shop but realized i had alot to learn. I look at it this way, (Learning To Drive) did i learn to drive a car by just sitting in the seat and take off? No, i watched my Uncle drive and listened to his instructions then got in,and drove in a little secure area until i was comfortable enough to drive with other cars around and it took awhile till i was good enough to get my license. You can learn to tattoo on your own but is it the right way? How would you know for sure unless you are instructed the right way? Why would take that chance with someone’s skin. Would you let someone operate on you’re heart without the proper training? I’m not saying it is impossible to do it , but i can say that it helped me and my artwork 100%. Im not getting on anyone so don’t freak out!! I was a scratcher to!!!

      Reading strawmen like this really anger me. Tattooing isn’t major surgery, and the two should never be compared as an example as to why someone should be seeking an apprenticehsip… I see what you mean about the driving analogy, and indeed, someone can pick things up about tattooing by watching an artist (either through an apprenticeship, or by making a close observation of an artist doing a tattoo on them…) but it is quite possible for someone to learn through online studies, reading, and other sources :)

    • #21763

      If you do not give the person or client the same respect and professionalism as an surgeon, nurse, dentist as far as BBP and disease control goes you are gona be in alot of trouble!! You are sticking a foreign object into someones skin and there is always a risk of that person having an allergic reaction to the ink, or God forbid some for of staff infection although the risk is small it is there! That is someones life, skin, and self -a- stem that we are messing with.. And yes i do take it as serious as doing surgery on someone but also allow myself and he client to have a fun experience!! Do i think i perform miracles like a surgeon does? NO< not in a million years ! I could never do the awesome things they do, and don't put myself out there to be that way Im just trying to help someone new to take this art serious and go about it the right way , God knows we have enough people picking up machines, and destroying people that are dumb enough to trust them. Giving the independent artist out there a bad name!! I wasn't trying to compare myself to a doctor, I was just telling you from my experience!!! Get as angry as you wan't but you will only be hurting yourself!! It is possible to become a great artist with all of the information that is out there, I agree, but my opinion Is all those old school artist started taking on apprentices for one reason, " To show them that they mentor the right way to do it without making those big mistakes"! So tattoo artist loose that stereo type!! :lol:

    • #21764

      Nearly everything in life is easier to learn if you have a mentor, teacher, coach, etc. I firmly believe this because the average person doesn’t know what they don’t know. Myself included.

      If you look at my work, I’ve progressed quite a bit in the last year. But I am still LIGHT YEARS away from where I need to be. If I had taken that same year under the watchful eye of someone dedicated to teaching me and helping me improve I have no doubts I’d be so much further.

      You CAN search the internet and find information. Half of it is crap and will have you hurting folks or spreading disease. Most of us, initially, are not educated enough to sift through this nonsense. A lot of new artists hear something, then treat it as gospel. Or learn something, and think they are done learning on that subject. Forums like this are great…but there are too many cheer leaders and not enough art critics. There are 1000 people who know nothing and 5 who think they know it all…then there are the average folks like me who just try to share what they’ve picked up but offer no guarantee it’s correct.

      Don’t seek an apprenticeship if it’s not your thing…but to suggest learning from someone who is more accomplished than you isn’t the best option is silly at best. If you go it alone, take your time. Don’t be in a hurry and make sure you understand BBP and CC…and abuse the hell out of pigskin before you tattoo your cousin. You’ll be glad you did.

      My .02 on it.

    • #21765

      @TexasPT wrote:

      Nearly everything in life is easier to learn if you have a mentor, teacher, coach, etc. I firmly believe this because the average person doesn’t know what they don’t know. Myself included.

      If you look at my work, I’ve progressed quite a bit in the last year. But I am still LIGHT YEARS away from where I need to be. If I had taken that same year under the watchful eye of someone dedicated to teaching me and helping me improve I have no doubts I’d be so much further.

      You CAN search the internet and find information. Half of it is crap and will have you hurting folks or spreading disease. Most of us, initially, are not educated enough to sift through this nonsense. A lot of new artists hear something, then treat it as gospel. Or learn something, and think they are done learning on that subject. Forums like this are great…but there are too many cheer leaders and not enough art critics. There are 1000 people who know nothing and 5 who think they know it all…then there are the average folks like me who just try to share what they’ve picked up but offer no guarantee it’s correct.

      Don’t seek an apprenticeship if it’s not your thing…but to suggest learning from someone who is more accomplished than you isn’t the best option is silly at best. If you go it alone, take your time. Don’t be in a hurry and make sure you understand BBP and CC…and abuse the hell out of pigskin before you tattoo your cousin. You’ll be glad you did.

      My .02 on it.

      Thank you for that dude!! That is what i was trying to get across but i’m not the sharpest one with words. I am just so thankful there is a place on the web where we can agree, disagree, and just help each other out !!

    • #21766

      apprentice places are few and far between, you can have an amazing portfolio and still not find one; and im not quite sure how much tattooing you can learn from making drinks and sweeping the floor though, so keep up your hard work and do alot of watching; there are some amazing vid’s on youtube that give you a good long detailed view on how to bring tattoo’s together. most of my training i have done through watching in a on pro and watching closely at how they bring it together and what needles and ink is used etc. maybe find someone who will let you sit and watch ask question’s?..
      i started off slowly in the tattoo world around 4 months ago on pig skin and human for the last 1-2 months and my work is of the same standard of a person i know who has been in an apprentice for 2 years?? not slating all apprentice position’s as i’ve no doubt there are some great one’s out there but in general it’s not much good :)

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