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    • #14759

      My name is JR I’ve been tattooing since I. Was 16 when I built my first gun, I am now 33 and am very passionate and determined to become a professional. I have tattooed over a 1000 ppl mostly family and close friends, I’m here to try and get noticed and maybe learn some more techniques and tips on tattooing. Hope to get some feedback and constructive critisizm.

    • #20758

      you must have a huge family, or be a REALLY freindly guy.
      if i include my family and freinds, that might be 100 people- and only a small percentage of them would/or have gotten a tattoo.

    • #20759

      You could say I’m a nice guy, maybe too nice and yes I do have a big family, due to both parents being remarried a few times…lol

    • #20760

      no disrespect but its a machine not a gun

    • #20761

      It took you 17 years and over 1000 tape player tattoos to decide you want to get peofessional about tattooing? Holy shit… Were you using the same machine the whole time?

    • #20762

      @Blake wrote:

      no disrespect but its a machine not a gun

      To be completely honest i can’t stand when people get tweaked aabout the machine vs. Gun thing. I mean really all that counts is the skill and work that comes out of it. I don’t care if you think your a waste management professional your still a garbage man. No disrespect with any of that and welcome man you have some nice work posted

    • #20763

      You just completely contradicted yourself. Basically you are saying a garbage man should not be referred to as anything other than a garbage man, because afterall that is what he is supposed to be referred to as. But that you can call a tattoo machine whatever you want, as long as you know how to use it. What about if a garbage man is really good at driving his garbage truck? Does he then get a new job title? You make no sense… It would make more sense to start calling my microwave a barbeque then to call a tattoo machine a gun, since they kinda do the same thing.

    • #20764

      i think you read a little deeper into that than what was intended, but sure if it makes you feel good. what i mean is that no matter what you call it still does the same thing. oh and nearly forgot. he is still a garbage man, trash collector, waste management profesional whatever it is you would like to call him. sorry i am not into all the politically correct hold my hand as not to offend someone bs.

    • #20765

      Actually I didn’t have to read very far into your statement to see your erranious analogy. But I’m for sure not about to have this arguement. In fact there is no arguement… If you and all ur scratcher friends want to call machines “guns” or “cannons” or “rocket launchers” or “lawn mowers” whatever… Its all good with me. Most of my clients call them guns too because they aren’t professionals and have no clue, just like you buddy. Oh and good luck with your “I don’t give a fuck if I offend anyone” attitude. I like that. I hope I didn’t offend you…

    • #20766

      not offended at all. in fact i call them machines. to insult well ok if you feel the need to do that fine. you have a good go. professional is only in the mind of the person performing the action. so really if calling it a machine makes one a professional then standard is pretty low. oh and that was a nice insult on clients there. should probly respect peoples intelligence a little further than the god complex you have developed, or are developing.

    • #20767

      gettin mad callin a machine a gun is like someone gettin mad callin coil windings wraps instead of layers

    • #20768

      Welcome JR,
      I’m kind of interested in what issues you have with doing this as a career? I’m 38 and have been told I’m to old to apprentice. I was fortunate to find out my cousin is a established artist and had no problem helping me in what i call a “half-apprenticeship”. Are you going to continue to solo, find a shop, or professionally apprentice?

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