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    • #15213

      Ive been tattooing for about 2 months on and off, still learning everyday and i plan to use this forum to better myself in any way possible.
      Ink used: Kuro Sumi.
      Needles used: 5RL, 7M1


      This was my first tribal piece I did.

    • #22777

      Did this on my bro on his forearm.
      Ink used: Kuro Sumi
      Needles used: 1RL, 5RS


    • #22778

      Cross I did on my homeboy.

      Ink used: Kuro Sumi
      Needles used: 3RL, 7RS, 5M1


    • #22779

      Domo; Bombs Away on my bro’s forearm.

      Ink used: Kuro Sumi
      Needles used: 5RL, 7RS


    • #22780

      My first tattoo that I did on myself. I used a 3RL and drew it in pen first. End result, no intentional scars.


    • #22781

      freestyled’ a small piece under my brothers Korea tattoo, just something simple, figure I post it see wut u guys think.


    • #22782

      Another tattoo I did on my bro. He is basically my human canvas LOL. :lol: im grateful for that though.


    • #22783

      @dangelo21 wrote:

      Did this on my bro on his forearm.
      Ink used: Kuro Sumi
      Needles used: 1RL, 5RS


      I wouldn’t use a 1rl for big outlining peaces. Mainly they are used for fine detail, single needle will really slice the skin when running a long line like that.. And also with lettering the smaller the needle grouping the harter it is to pull those nice straight lines, the smaller needle will show every shake,move, and zig zag in your piece. I myself use a 5rl or 7rl on lettering…

    • #22784

      @robroy289 wrote:

      @dangelo21 wrote:

      Did this on my bro on his forearm.
      Ink used: Kuro Sumi
      Needles used: 1RL, 5RS


      I wouldn’t use a 1rl for big outlining peaces. Mainly they are used for fine detail, single needle will really slice the skin when running a long line like that.. And also with lettering the smaller the needle grouping the harter it is to pull those nice straight lines, the smaller needle will show every shake,move, and zig zag in your piece. I myself use a 5rl or 7rl on lettering…

      I agree, after using the 1rl i could really see my flaws but its just trial and error. I have still yet to understand what some of the needles are used for and im still in the process of learning day in and day out. Note i’ve been tattooing for roughly 2 months and i am learning something everyday as i look through forums, online, magazines, and such. Any critique given will only benefit me so I do appreciate your post.

    • #22785

      Man i am still learning to! I think the moment you stop learning or stop taking suggestions you need to stop!!! You are welcome and keep asking questions…Glad to have you..

    • #22786

      yeah 1RL are for VERY fine details
      even then I try to push a 3
      my main liners are 5, and 7
      i use 9RL, and 9RS for line weight in some more elaborate pieces to make stuff stand out

      i use RS for smaller colour pieces, script, etc
      M1 i use for shading
      M2 for solid colour
      RM are also very good for shading. they tend to cause a lot less trauma to the skin
      I dont use Flats

      There are also different types of Grips, F, R, and V. V is also known as Diamond. R, and F are obivious. I use V tips for my smaller RL/RS
      I find it helps me see where the needle is better. 1, 3, 5. 7+ ill just use n R tip.

      As far as Kuro Sumi I find it has a blue undertone to it. Even the outlining ink. I use it only for shading. I prefer Alla Prima for outlining, and Intenze Zuper Black for solid black/outlining.

      Looking good so far though :)

      What machines/power supply are you using? what ointment during the tattoo? what is iny our rinse bottle? do you cover your machines, and clip cords during the tattoo process? what’re you using as a solution to apply your stencil?

      im still relatively new as well :)
      ive been tattooing for two years and still learn new things every day!

    • #22787

      Thx for the input, I will try out some different inks, i recently got kokkai sumi ink light, medium and dark grey wash. i will practice my shading techniques on pig skin and my own skin. I had bought a tattoo kit online and it pretty much came with everything except color ink, just the kuro sumi. i also got a Superior Viper from superiortattoo, I use this for my liner, its 8wrap coil. but I changed a few parts out such as the front binding post and rear binding post and contact screw, I must say it runs slightly better. My PS is a proton power supply(will invest in a better one.) maybe a cyclone 360 power supply..

      I use disposable tubes and grip for now until i get an autoclave, then i will buy stainless steel tips. I also bag my equipment for safety purposes, I even bag my squeeze bottles for sanitation.

      I apply green soap in my squeeze bottle to the area I am about to tattoo then spray Tattoo Stencil Magic and apply my stencil. Its really effective and the stencil hardly disappears when you wipe. and i use A&D ointment to keep the skin nice and smooth.

    • #22788

      Looks good dude. What I do is I buy bottles, and 12oz bottle of Kuro. Fill th ebottles at different highs. 3/4 1/2 1/4 1/10 full of Kuro, then add Distilled water. That’s how I do my grey washes. Then you just label them with masking tape, and a sharpie.

      For your rinse bottles, and such you can wrap them in Saran wrap. That’s what I do. also be sure to cover your work station with saran wrap or barrier film as well. A&D ointment is good, green soap is too if you’re getting the right stuff. 1 part GS 10 parts distilled water. Personally I use the Pur line from SoLabs. 1 part purklenz 10 parts distilled water, and I use PurTect as an oiintment. They are antimicrobial, and have vitamins A&E

      You should stick to disposable. i dont know about the US but in Canada they will be making autoclaves unable to be used in Shops. Going to be all disposable. Even if you arent USING it if its iny our shop area you need to spore test it every 2 weeks. Which is about 70$ a month down the drain for something you’re not even using. its easier to just use disposable, and much cleaner.

      I dont know how much stencil magic is, but what you can do is add Detol, and isopropl alcohol to spray bottle, and use that. 1 part IA and 7 parts Detol. It may be cheaper.

      as far as a power supply i am using a Hurrican HP-2, and i love it.

      try changing the Springs, and cap ony our machines. I use eikon stuff purchased from a shop in town and they work wonders. i also use eikon clip cord sleeves.

      these are the spring set ups i use
      short stroke liner = 0.019 front spring-0.018 rear spring. light armature bar.
      long stroke liner = 0.020 front spring-0.019 rear spring. light armature bar.
      shader = 0.016 front spring-0.017 rear spring. medium armature bar.
      colour packer = 0.015 front spring-0.016 rear spring. heavy armature bar.

    • #22789

      In the shop i use a TTS quad power supply from ink stains tattoo supply, they are a workhorse! $60 and is what all the pro’s in the shops here use.. Check it out you wont be disappointed! If you are located in the USA i would order my supplies from needlesupply.com there you can get your needles and tubes by individuals instead of having to buy 50 at a time. My advise is to get 20 of each needle like 5rl, 7rl, 9rs,7m1,9m1,13m2,9m2 so you can decide what you like best and what works for you,they have a needle to tube sizing chart witch is very helpful especially for M2 mags . Also if you don’t know what ink you like i suggest Intenze for color but there are alot of good inks out there but i would only buy 1/2 oz at a time until you find out what you do like. Hope this helps ya…

    • #22790

      @robroy289 wrote:

      In the shop i use a TTS quad power supply from ink stains tattoo supply, they are a workhorse! $60 and is what all the pro’s in the shops here use.. Check it out you wont be disappointed! If you are located in the USA i would order my supplies from needlesupply.com there you can get your needles and tubes by individuals instead of having to buy 50 at a time. My advise is to get 20 of each needle like 5rl, 7rl, 9rs,7m1,9m1,13m2,9m2 so you can decide what you like best and what works for you,they have a needle to tube sizing chart witch is very helpful especially for M2 mags . Also if you don’t know what ink you like i suggest Intenze for color but there are alot of good inks out there but i would only buy 1/2 oz at a time until you find out what you do like. Hope this helps ya…

      I also like Eternal for colours, and Alla Prima for the prime colours, and colour mixing
      tattoomachineequipment.com also has a refill kit I like to use
      i get to choose which 50 needles I want, which grips, i can change basically ANYTHING in the kit except for the inks because they are prepackaged :)

    • #22791

      @Ramenuzumaki wrote:

      @robroy289 wrote:

      In the shop i use a TTS quad power supply from ink stains tattoo supply, they are a workhorse! $60 and is what all the pro’s in the shops here use.. Check it out you wont be disappointed! If you are located in the USA i would order my supplies from needlesupply.com there you can get your needles and tubes by individuals instead of having to buy 50 at a time. My advise is to get 20 of each needle like 5rl, 7rl, 9rs,7m1,9m1,13m2,9m2 so you can decide what you like best and what works for you,they have a needle to tube sizing chart witch is very helpful especially for M2 mags . Also if you don’t know what ink you like i suggest Intenze for color but there are alot of good inks out there but i would only buy 1/2 oz at a time until you find out what you do like. Hope this helps ya…

      I also like Eternal for colours, and Alla Prima for the prime colours, and colour mixing
      tattoomachineequipment.com also has a refill kit I like to use
      i get to choose which 50 needles I want, which grips, i can change basically ANYTHING in the kit except for the inks because they are prepackaged :)

      thanks for the advice from both of you, I will look into those sites. I currently buy from superiortattoo and worldwidetattoo, also got a product catalog from there which has a lot of handy equipment. but ya, i need to find whats best for me when it comes to needles and ink.
      my main focus is practicing my shading technique and upgrade my power supply. Still havent decided which one i want but i would want to get one that lasts long and has steady durability. I read that a good power supply to get will tell u the V, Duty, speed, and follow through, but if the TTS quad power supply will last, i will consider it. Plus its cheaper.
      i was also looking into RCA cords…. liike it helps make the machine stay constant… any thoughts on that?

    • #22792

      Me personally and this is just my opinion, you do not need all those numbers, meters, or all that you go by the sound of the machine when it is setup correctly. I have had both the first one i got had dual shadder and liner hook up at the same time, digital voltage and all that, it was from i think needlesupply and was expensive and at the time i thought it worked well. Then it pulled off of the counter at the shop and hit the floor and that was all she wrote, then my mentor let me use his and that’s when i found out my power supply wasn’t running my machines at there full potential. You have to make sure to get the clip-cord and foot-pedal banana plug combo for the Quad power supply cause they do not use stereo type jacks and they are very much longer and way better built in my opinion….

    • #22793

      having all those read outs on your power just make it slightly easier to tune
      but even then its iffy you need to ignore your read outs for the most part and go by sound
      the only things id say are important would your Hz and duty
      my HP-2 is a digital read out and has all the information displayed on the screen

      as far as your TTS quad Rob i looked it up and i dunno if its the pic or what but it seems weird
      it looks like the inputs have like twist things on em?
      i unno about you guys but i know my clip cords wouldnt fit
      i have a power here someone had given me for free like that, and my cords and such wont go inti it :P
      the end of my cords are like a guitar patch cord

    • #22794

      It takes banana plugs. Its a clip cord and foot pedal combo that old school tattoo artist use to use before the started with stereo inputs. Most of the old ten turns came out with them and i think thats what superior tattoo supply has for a couple of their power supply’s.Those type of clip cords are a little more money but they are very well constructed, and well worth it. Im sure there are some real good other power supply’s out there, i am just very happy with the quad.
      But i do see how it would be useful to someone starting out with new machines to have those read outs to have a good reference point to fine tune their machine and know what to expect the machine to do. So I would say go with either one, Ramenuzumaki has some very good points..
      You can get those end at a local Radio shack or home stereo shop, splice the wire, insert and twist, very easy…

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