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August 24, 2013 at 10:45 pm #15569
ParticipantI have an odd question, is anybody on here familiar with Yetti of Haymaker tattoos?
This is the guy I’m trying to get an apprenticeship from. I actually had no idea he was in my town until last week, I’ve e-mailed him twice. No reply yet, I should probably call but I am socially awkward.
August 27, 2013 at 1:43 am #25512
ParticipantUpdate: I’m going in to show him my portfolio on Wednesday. But its already not looking good. He’s already told me that he won’t take on an apprentice unless they are heavily tattooed :shock: oh well. I gotta try anyway
August 27, 2013 at 2:14 am #25513
ParticipantTime to get some tats bru
August 27, 2013 at 2:58 am #25514
ParticipantThey don’t come cheap
August 27, 2013 at 6:36 am #25515
ParticipantJust use those sleeve arm clothings. Those that look like you have tattoos hahaha. ;)
August 27, 2013 at 4:16 pm #25516
ParticipantLittle late, I talked to the guy for like 2 hours on facebook last night. He also added another requirement of having to have known the person for 2 years prior to even considering doing an apprenticeship. I’ve known him for like 3 days. He knows I am not heavily tattooed.
One of the things he said to me was that he was offended by people who aren’t heavily tattooed wanting to become a tattoo artist. So I flat out told him that I was offended by people who wanted to get tattoos that have little to no meaning to them, just for the heck of it, and that I wasn’t going to go out and get a buttload of tattoos just so he would take me on.
An apprenticeship with this guy just isn’t going to happen :/
August 27, 2013 at 5:11 pm #25517
ParticipantSounds like the usual, rockstar-d**khead attitude to me. And guys like that onder why tattoo artist have such a bad rep. jeesh. I have come to realize that when I tell a potential artist that thier portfolio doesn’t mean jack crap to me when they come in asking about a booth they are really offended. imo, when I see a tattoo artist with a tons of ink, can’t tell what it is, bad pieces, blotches and so on it tells me that the person who is supposed to be an artist has a really bad judge of what to grace thier own body with and no concept of flow. So how am I supposed to be confident that they will be able to give one of my customers in my shop a sleeve that flows and works and is just the S**t?
There have been many times (even now sometimes) feel that the art that I love so much has started to go stagnant. Mostly due to guys like this guy. “you gotta pay your dues!” F**k your dues! My dues were paid with all the days and nights I spent away from my kids, and missing birthdays and events, and just time because I was and always am working at the shop. My dues are paid in a sore back, exhausting days and long long nights, jerk customers, piss poor diet if I get to eat at all some days and stress of bad weeks and even months! Crappy motels when I ran conventions just for the off chance of catching the atention of some of the same people I used to look up to only to come to find out they were self rightous d**ks with more mouth than talent no matter how many “awards” they have won.
Keep your head up man, don’t let jackasses like this sway you from the industry. I spent years out of the industry because I let people like that get to me and I was discouraged until I finally got to the point where they can kiss my a**! Keep pushing yourself, learn, absorb! You want some inspiration, check out my guy Jin’s portfolio on our websitehttp://www.darkcarnivalink.com/jin.html. Believe it or not this guy is completely self-taught and this is the first shop he has ever worked in after many many failed attempts to get an apprenticeship and being talked down to. I dare anyone to look at his black and grey work and say it looks like someone who is a “scratcher”. I mentor him in the ways and processes of a shop enviroment and the ins and outs of the industry from what I have learned over the years. He is still learning, hell I’m still learning after almost 11 years. So I have 2 middle fingers for guys like this yetti and his attitude.
Sorry for the rant, in case you can’t tell, pissy attitudes are one of my biggest issues in this industry. -
August 27, 2013 at 8:15 pm #25518
ParticipantSometimes I really wish the people on this forum were just a little bit closer to me. I’d love to actually learn from you guys hands on.
Also, holy crap that JIn guy has some nice work!
August 28, 2013 at 1:15 pm #25519
ParticipantThat would be cool Infamous. At least the people here are actually interested in learning something. I’m guessing that since I am so perticular about sanitation, customer service, and the willingness to be a bit humble at times it’s gonna take me forever to find an artist to fill that 3rd booth I have. But ah well. Right now I am in negotiations with my landlord to rent out the space next to me because the beauty salon there is going under due to horrible management, which would allow me to add another 1000 sq ft of retail space, a back office, and large waiting area and another large booth with a front window for “show and tell tattoo sessions”. But my policies on drugs, and being on time, and consistent work seem to be keeping the riff raff at bay. Hell had one guy chase after me for a month asking to be let in the shop, when I finally get him in to interview and get to the part where I tell him that his work wasn’t quite artist level yet, BUT I would be willing to bring him on as a one year apprentice ( being that he has been tattooing for a bit on his own but lacks some skill in technique and has no knowledge of shop proceedures) in which he would be set to take simple pieces, scripts, fill work and so on, he flat out told me ” man I’m not starting out as an apprentice, I been slingin for 2 years I ain’t no damm apprentice!”. and walked out. Never mind that I was willing to show him the areas he lacked AND the offer was that he starts at the shops lowest pay, which is 60% (yes he would have taken home 60% of what he made daily) , got set up with his own email (example spider@darkcarnivalink.com) exposure on the website, facebook and google plus pages and so on and so forth. All because of the title involved he walked away from a chance to get into a shop. Stupid is as stupid does ya know. But the wait of finding that person who is actually wanting a career in this industry will be worth the wait to fill that vacant booth ya know.
August 28, 2013 at 1:21 pm #25520
ParticipantDamn… I wouldnt mind being called an apprentice.. Heck you can call me Hank if thats what you want. ;)
But imo he must have had a serious ego trip going on there…
August 28, 2013 at 2:55 pm #25521
ParticipantY’know I couldn’t stay for a year. But I could head down there on vacation sometime, for a couple weeks, or even a couple months if my wife would let me lol. If you would have me, of course. I’m sure I wouldn’t learn everything. But I’m also sure I’d be miles ahead of where I am now. I’d have to wait until the school year is out, but if I don’t have an apprenticeship by next Summer?
August 28, 2013 at 3:34 pm #25522
ParticipantI would have jumped on the opportunity honestly lmao
August 28, 2013 at 5:38 pm #25523
ParticipantAs I stated before, I welcome anyone in my shop. I’m not some flashy hip a** place, but I feel we do good work and have good customer service that keeps regulars coming back and is getting more peeps to drop the other shops around here and come thru my door. Some days it’s slow as molassis in a blizzard, some days the door chime doesn’t stop going off! But all in all I’m always up to chatting anyone up in the shop, just make sure you let me know ur in the area, I honestly do hate surprises!
August 28, 2013 at 6:49 pm #25524
ParticipantI can do that :D
September 10, 2013 at 2:55 pm #25525
MemberTotally agree with Spider on wanna-be apprentices not needing to be heavily tattooed. During my interview with my mentor, I told him I had been interested in tattooing for close to 10 years and had designed tattoos for people to take to their artist and been encouraged by those same friends to get into doing tattoos myself… his response was “why aren’t you covered in tattoos then?”… my response without hesitation was, “I am picky as to what is going to go on my body as it has to have meaning to me, and being a professional artist (yes I have made a living for 26 years off my art) it will be my design, applied by who I choose – and I haven’t found the right person yet.” He smiled and said “GOOD ANSWER”.
March 18, 2014 at 10:31 am #25526
InactiveIt sounds some thing different i prefer you that you should be awkward that would be better.
April 23, 2014 at 10:02 pm #25528
MemberWell, Spider… there are so many ‘dickhead’ artists out there because there are so many underground ‘dickheads’ like the one you mentioned in your last post out there.
I think what Infamous ran into could have been an elitist shit-sniffing dickwad… or maybe he’s a guy who wants to know he has a connection with the person he’s going to be spending a lot of time in close proximity with for a year or two (at least). Perhaps he’s tired of having untattooed fuckwad (not saying Infamous is this… or that all untattooed people are) after untattooed fuckwad show up hounding him for an apprenticeship.
Yes tattoos are expensive, but they’re part of it as far as I’m concerned. You could have put a few bucks away, designed a tattoo you really want and went to him for the tattoo… maybe a sitting or two or three.. and then approached the subject IF you guys connected.
Cold calling shops or just showing up is THE WORST WAY to go about finding an apprenticeship. They’ll won’t respect you… and you’ll resent them.
But then… what do I know? I’m apparently one of those elitist shit-heads… and you all have taken off anyway.
I’d love to see this ‘Jin’s work… but the link is broken.
April 29, 2014 at 6:53 am #25527
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