Coil wraps are the material that is used to cover the coil. Coil
wraps can be heat-shrink tubing, or a sticker. There are limitless
designs for the sticker coil wraps; the most common is the
checker holograph style. The coil wrap really plays a limited
role in the effectiveness of the coil and is for aesthetic purposes
more than anything.
Give your coils a little attitude
feel free to drop us a line [email protected]
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Some signs of an improperly performed tattoo procedure will be excessive scabbing, rapid fading, and pits in the tattoo...
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Can you actually learn how to be a real good tattoo ARTIST not just a tattooist for free? I...
Earning your ink
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The feeling of getting a tattoo does not just include the process of the needle’s going into the skin,...
Eternal Glory
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Eternal Glory ? ? ? ? ? June. 24, 2013 By: UCTattoos This review is for: Eternal Ink (0.5oz...
Making Needles…some tips
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There are a few items that will be required to make tattoo needles and quality does matter when it...
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