How you act, work, and interact in a tattoo studio atmosphere
is very important. This aspect is often overlooked and underestimated
by many in the tattoo world. A good work ethic is the
foundation, but after completion of this goal, you will be better
equipped to handle a multitude of situations that may arise. You
will also be given the fundamentals of proper flow of business in
a tattoo studio.
Goal Nine
feel free to drop us a line [email protected]
Stencil application tips
, Uncategorized, hectograph, liquid application, purple, purple ink, spirit masters, stencil, thermo fax, 0
Liquid applications are always the preferred method in stencil application. There are unlimited numbers of chemicals that are in...
Armature Bar – Flaw in the Design?
, Uncategorized, armature bar, machine, tuning, 0
The rear spring on a standard tattoo machine has to be bent (according to most tattoo artists), at least...
How is HCV transmitted?
, Uncategorized, blood, diseases, HCV, prevention, safety, 0
HCV is transmitted primarily through large or repeated percutaneous (i.e., passage through the skin) exposures to infectious blood, such...
, Uncategorized, 0
Hello users. I want to let you know that I am working hard at getting more content for the...
Coloring or Shading
, Uncategorized, color, fill, gray, grey, needle, shade, 0
Some artists will call shading “coloring”, while other artists will tell you that the two are not even close...
Capacitor and voltage
, Uncategorized, capacitor, tune, tuning, voltage, 0
To compensate for a higher rated capacitor you might have to add voltage to your machine to get the...
Tattoo PPE
, Uncategorized, eye pro, gloves, PPE, tattoo gown, 0
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): • Hand hygiene (soap and water method as well as alcoholbased hand rub) • Gloves...
Petroleum Jelly
, Uncategorized, outline, petroleum jelly, tattoo process, vaseline, 0
You may have noticed that some artists will use a light coat of petroleum jelly on the tattoo after...
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