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    • #22386

      It’s hard to see the detail in your picture ,could you post a close up of the area that you are not happy with :?:

    • #21593

      It’s a tattoo machine lol
      I have tattooed both of my thighs it doesn’t hurt that much and you can make as many mistakes as you like and not worry to much
      I have done a couple of tattoos on my leg in soft bronze wash let them heal and then gone over them darker to ether darken them up or change them to something completly different it gives you a chance to try different technics
      Every tattooist needs some form of o,c,d just to do the amount of drawing and self tattooing to get to the point in there life to call themselves a tattooist
      Keep up the hard work :)

    • #21698

      This is my third ever tattoo on skin
      I had a go on 1 sheet of fake skin and didn’t like it so I tried the same design on my leg and loved it I made a few mistakes but it was tribal so it was easy to sort out
      After that I spent a few hours talking to my local tattooist who helped me set up my machines
      I know I have a long way to go before I can become a tattooist myself but I don’t want to give up. I did a dragon on my other leg. No stencil, just my freehand design which I’m still working on. I tried to post a picture of it but it won’t allow me to post the whole tattoo ( file too big) so I posted the tiger instead … But I could only post the head of that!

    • #21696

      Thanks it was a tense moment even though I’ve been a wildlife and portrait artist for years it’s the first time I’ve had to draw an animal upside down and then to make it even harder tattoo it!

    • #21694


    • #21699

      Thank I will give your it ago

    • #21701

      I used soft bronze wash to tattoo the tiger and will darken it in stages this way I shouldn’t run out of legs lol

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