alligator eye replied to the topic My second tattoo in the forum Post your work here 12 years ago
Ouch. YOur line work leaves much to be desired. please get your line work down on paper before ever touching a machine. Not to be harsh, but man you need to learn alot of what a good tattoo is. I strive to learn and perfect everyday. Good luck, work hard and follow your dreams. the key is the work put in and effort to be the best.
alligator eye replied to the topic needle depth in tube in the forum Apprentice Folly 12 years ago
I run mine so i can see it while im working. always keep in mind that you must not go too deep. i have practiced the art of riding the tip. after you do a few and see how they heal, you will know. the dermis layer is where u want the pigment to go. diff spots on the body call for diff methods. practice, practice. *BTW* I used my own skin for the…[Read more]
alligator eye replied to the topic black n gray skull ala Aicheson flash sheet in the forum Post your work here 12 years ago
close up.
alligator eye replied to the topic Angle of penetration for lining in the forum Rants and Raves 12 years ago
For me I have found that holding my machine perpendicular to the skin all the way around is the best for not getting any blow out nor any thick/thin lines. It’s all personal preference, but in theory holding you tip up and down to the skin works best.
alligator eye replied to the topic have metal…no autoclave… in the forum My Machine Hates Me! 12 years ago
A case of 50 pre-sterile disposible tubes costs $20. multiply that by the minimum of probably 4 diff sizes and styles of tip and you have $80. That my friend is the only way to go if u do not autoclave. IS that too much for the safety of your town? Get an apprenticeship, or at least get a bbp cert and learn on yourself…..please
alligator eye replied to the topic Tattoo I just did on HoneyDew Melon in the forum Post your work here 12 years ago
I have found that what Ramen suggested is best for me too. I mix mine in 1 oz bottles instead so I have a consistent batch of ink that will go for a few sessions. I use coils, and I agree that a longer throw, softer springs, and about 9.0 of amps works for me. The beauty of tattooing is that it’s all about what works for the individual. I never…[Read more]
alligator eye replied to the topic traditional flash sheet – sailor jerry inspired in the forum Original Flash 12 years ago
thats funny because this literally was from one of Sailor Jerry’s flash sets. traditional has lots of curves and lines. thats what the beauty is., the simple line/design. here i posted it .
alligator eye replied to the topic traditional flash sheet – sailor jerry inspired in the forum Original Flash 12 years ago
ummm sorry Ramen. This would be “traditional” inspired by sailor jerry. i need to finish it, but you can see the design is in place.
alligator eye replied to the topic looking for tips and tricks in the forum So Introduce Yourself! 12 years ago
Find the book by the Gody brothers.
alligator eye replied to the topic grey wash and needles in the forum Apprentice Folly 12 years ago
I use mags for everything except line work. Thats just me.
alligator eye replied to the topic Completely Absolutely New in the forum So Introduce Yourself! 12 years ago
From this day forward you should call your “Gun” a machine. Guns kill people, machines that is tattoo machine allow artists to create tattoo art. Glad you are going to seek your dreams. Good luck… BTW just bustin balls on the “gun” thing. But it’s true…. ;)
alligator eye replied to the topic new tattoo on inner left calf in the forum Post your work here 12 years ago
The depth of needle to apply ink is 1mm or less. I would never bury a needle 1/16. Just practice and “kiss” the line w/ tip and be consistent. Can’t give all my secrets…just keep practicing.
alligator eye replied to the topic HILDEBRANDT TATTOO MACHINE BLOG in the forum Best Tattoo Machines 12 years ago
I use Hildbrandts my self. You can tune any machine to be a liner or shader. As part of your apprenticeship you will learn that. Find a book called Tattoo Machines and Their Secrets by the Godoy Bros. It tells all! I like my Hildy’s and have gotten decent results. When I am ready, I will of course upgrade to to heavy equipment. But again: Tune,…[Read more]
alligator eye replied to the topic Best Tattoo Supplies for Artists and studios in the forum For Sale by Owner 12 years ago
Why would any apprentice need to buy anything? Your mentor gives you some machines and you should know what to use by than….Apprentice means you have a pro mentor, not just you say you are one. Cheap in any sales pitch and I run, fast!
alligator eye replied to the topic new tattoo on inner left calf in the forum Post your work here 12 years ago
Falconier. I am by no means a top level pro, but I been doing it a little while. I hang my needle out, and “ride” the tip. Hard technique to get a hold of, but I can see the needle, where it’s going, and how deep I am going. I can also now “feel” my depth and drag, etccc… Practice. I hate fruit. Nothing compares to real human skin. Keep in mind…[Read more]
alligator eye replied to the topic s in the forum Rants and Raves 12 years ago
I had the same problem using tattoo goo. I switched to A&D and no problem. I read that some folks just have a reaction to the Tattoo Goo. I also use no scent hypo allergenic lotion. As for the green soap being too strong, maybe… Did your artist switch brands of Ink? Just my 2 cents..
alligator eye replied to the topic i need advice and tips in the forum Post your work here 12 years ago
It looks like your going too deep. The redness around it tells me that. In my opinion line work is really delicate, fast, and with meaning. Once I built up my confidence and tuned my machines 100% correct I could see where I wanted to go, and now I can “feel” the difference. It’s all hard to explain. Experiment with varying line weights, or…[Read more]
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