bobbylink replied to the topic have metal…no autoclave… in the forum My Machine Hates Me! 13 years ago
that mentallity is exactly why we are called scratchers…just saying one apple doesnt poil the bunch…
bobbylink replied to the topic TOO Quiet!!!!! in the forum Design Ideas / Technique 14 years ago
i wanna be dean!!!!!
bobbylink replied to the topic VIDEO LINKS in the forum Suggestions 14 years ago
that would be sweet
bobbylink replied to the topic TOO Quiet!!!!! in the forum Design Ideas / Technique 14 years ago
there have been times that sat and read every post, comment, and response and for hours at a time i would be the only one here. thank goodness the information is great.
bobbylink replied to the topic Prizm in the forum Pigment v. Ink 14 years ago
starbrites are awesome, the colors really pop.
bobbylink replied to the topic packing color in the forum Design Ideas / Technique 14 years ago
thank you for the tips, everything you just said i think back and i was doing it all…didnt stretch the skin enough, definately was holding my machine at a 90, and used hardly any vaseline at all, i did have my water handy though( mostly to prevent the pigment drying in my tip). i have the book and its probably the best thing that ive read since…[Read more]
bobbylink replied to the topic aztec sad girl in the forum Post your work here 14 years ago
i love the starbrite colors
bobbylink replied to the topic packing color in the forum Design Ideas / Technique 14 years ago
Chinese machines are what i have, i’ve buned out a set of coils already by turning up the voltage, but i have two sets of coils and two sets of springs (liner and shader) on their way. I’m hoping throwing a few quality parts in my machines helps. Thank you for the help
bobbylink replied to the topic Boog Brown Style sketch in the forum Original Flash 14 years ago
very very nice work
bobbylink replied to the topic my machine keeps stopping in the forum My Machine Hates Me! 14 years ago
thank you
bobbylink replied to the topic my machine keeps stopping in the forum My Machine Hates Me! 14 years ago
I have noticed that my rubberband seemed tight and my coils were heating up, so I started prestretching the rubber bands and the coils are still getting warm but nothing like before. I just didn’t see how the bubberband being too tight couldn’t affect the machine, it just didn’t seem logical so I paid no attention to that advice. I have also been…[Read more]
bobbylink replied to the topic shader or liner in the forum Design Ideas / Technique 14 years ago
Makes perfect sense. I totally understand what you are saying. I just don’t have a lot of info on any of these matters until I receive my copy of “the book”. But I truly appreciate all the input that I am getting.
bobbylink replied to the topic shader or liner in the forum Design Ideas / Technique 14 years ago
I guess that was a no brainer? As far as the back spring I should have been more clear, what I should have asked was what do you mean by softening? My gues is the amount of bend on the spring but I just wanna be sure. I don’t mean to be a pest with all my questions, but it seems that every pro in my city seems to be to good for anyone with…[Read more]
bobbylink replied to the topic prayer in the forum Post your work here 14 years ago
very nice work…that had to suck though(rough spot)
bobbylink replied to the topic more b&g practice in the forum Post your work here 14 years ago
Very sweet
bobbylink replied to the topic my machine keeps stopping in the forum My Machine Hates Me! 14 years ago
I have noticed that also someone said that isn’t possible but I don’t see how not. I started stretching them out a lil and it didn’t do it as much, also I started running my liner on 9 and it seems to be running fine. Thank you all for your replies.
bobbylink replied to the topic My Album in the forum Original Flash 14 years ago
Very nice work
bobbylink replied to the topic my machine keeps stopping in the forum My Machine Hates Me! 14 years ago
Thank you but I don’t think its my hair, I appreciate the reply though. I turned up my amperage and so far so good. I thank you all for the help.
bobbylink replied to the topic my machine keeps stopping in the forum My Machine Hates Me! 14 years ago
my gap is set at a dime, the voltage is up around 8 when lining, i just ordered the book, i appreciate the response
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