Brenda Renaud replied to the topic Lumpy ink in the forum PREMIUM Member Forum 8 years ago
Hey dude,sounds like your ink is old,or drying out try putting a drop of glycerin right on top,stops your ink from drying out and won’t mess with the integrity of your ink
Darren McGregor and
Brenda Renaud are now friends 9 years ago
Brenda Renaud joined the group
Tattoo Study Group 9 years ago
Brenda Renaud started the topic Vaseline no good??? in the forum PREMIUM Member Forum 9 years ago
So I’ve been told Vaseline really isn’t the best option for lubrication during tattooing,that it’s better to use a&d,or something not petroleum based-any thoughts on this?Every tattoo I’ve had done Vaseline was used so I was hoping for some input on this.Thanks
Brenda Renaud and
CR Jordan are now friends 9 years ago
Brenda Renaud joined the group
Tattoo Apprentice 9 years ago
Brenda Renaud posted a new activity comment 9 years ago
I feel the same,your book is amazing and I’d be happy to write an Amazon review of it,if I can as my copy wasn’t purchased through Amazon.Thank you for showing us with artistic abilities and high aspirations that becoming a tattoo artist is not totally out of reach.
Brenda Renaud changed their profile picture 9 years ago