brians3730 replied to the topic Third piece on skin (mine) in the forum Post your work here 11 years, 1 month ago
It seems like the lighter colors, light blue, whites, yellows for example, I can’t seem to get them to pack in like the darker colors. My mentor has not offered up much info on this and I’m really starting to regret this apprenticeship. He seems more interested in having me run errands than actually teaching me. Anyway, I have tried using flats,…[Read more]
brians3730 replied to the topic Third piece on skin (mine) in the forum Post your work here 11 years, 1 month ago
Well I finally got some color in this leg. Struggling a little bit with coloring, but let me know what you think.
http://i1286.photobucket.com/albums/a612/brians3730/1379882_10151638815571841_1712282192_n_zps569f3e39.jpg -
brians3730 replied to the topic Third piece on skin (mine) in the forum Post your work here 11 years, 3 months ago
It took me about 3 hours, counting a couple of breaks towards the end when it started getting painful. All in all I’m pretty happy with it. I actually started the color, but my neck was killing me from staring at my lap so I stopped. As soon is it heals up I’m gonna finish the color.
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