chopper6969 replied to the topic my machine keeps stopping in the forum My Machine Hates Me! 13 years ago
the robberband holds the needle down on the tube this if u know will mack ur coils heat up do to friction .not going to get it to stop
chopper6969 replied to the topic BLOODLINE in the forum Design Ideas / Technique 13 years ago
I have done this alot on my legs. work great it does fade away and if it look good I put the ink to it. and it was great I could feel how the needles worked .I had to do it to my self just to know how I was making the people I did work on felt.
chopper6969 replied to the topic tattoo schools in the forum Design Ideas / Technique 13 years ago
here in ohio we had are shop inpected and I acked the guy do threy axecpt the school that are out their. and he said no that most of them are not long enough to learn all that they need to. so I would look at a shop before a school.
chopper6969 replied to the topic shader tuning. in the forum Suggestions 13 years ago
I have a old gun and my menter got me to tune it down until it about to stall and it will shade ot very nice and is great for ghosting in the ink.
chopper6969 replied to the topic needle configuration in the forum Apprentice Folly 13 years ago
myself I like useing a 5l and a 5 or 7 mag single stake with needles made with bugpins but the color in very slow but u can get a better shading with a little white to make it pop out on the edge. but that is how my menter shows me.
chopper6969 replied to the topic Machine or just me? Part 2 in the forum My Machine Hates Me! 13 years ago
I’ve been doing my apprenticship for about a year now. ran into the same thing with the gun u have. I put a 10 wrap on my shader and I love using single stacked meg. with bug pin needle I had to slow down but the work looked much better. my menter show me how to make the needles. so I could find the ones that worked for me and yse slow is fast
chopper6969 replied to the topic here is my first tattoo's I've done in the forum Post your work here 13 years ago
5 liner and a 4 flat starbrites inks
chopper6969 replied to the topic Apprenticeship Woes in the forum How to Get an Apprenticeship in 3 days or your money back! 13 years ago
with mine he never shows up or he blows off the people getting the work shows up the next day but don’t call me he has help me get my cpr and my bloodborne pathogens certificates. but has stoped their.
chopper6969 replied to the topic here is my 2nd tattoo in the forum Post your work here 13 years ago
let’s try this again. sorry for the pic got got it done and put on A & D so it has a shine on it but hope u can see it better and thanks for the input. the guy that was my teacher his a ass never shows up at the shop and when he does he don’t tell me but it is the only way
i can get a apprenticship have my crp and bloodborne pathogen certificate…[Read more] -
chopper6969 replied to the topic here is my 2nd tattoo in the forum Post your work here 13 years ago
I will post anther one I did with the help of my wife she pulled the skin for me
chopper6969 replied to the topic here is my 2nd tattoo in the forum Post your work here 13 years ago
will take on when it heals
chopper6969 replied to the topic here is my first tattoo's I've done in the forum Post your work here 13 years ago
the lines our shaded in on the out side to go with the rest or the tattoo. but it was to hard on my back. but some of the lines are wiggle ty u for yr infro on it. and here is a tip for u. if u get somebody that getting a tattoo hurts them to bad. use some bactine u can get a any store, a tip I got from a old pro that is helping me
chopper6969 replied to the topic salutations. in the forum So Introduce Yourself! 13 years ago
yes it is hard to get into a shop. keep trying you will get there
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