robroy289 replied to the topic When does an artist say no to a tattoo? in the forum Design Ideas / Technique 12 years ago
@dave14jones wrote:
Hey That’s really a good question……I think a good artist says no when he thinks he can not do justice with any design(and that’s very rare with them)……and a bad artist never says no… ;)
I am glad you said that!!! Alot of eager people will slap any design on someone!!! I myself have no problem doing gang,Nazi, or what…[Read more]
LisaM replied to the topic When does an artist say no to a tattoo? in the forum Design Ideas / Technique 13 years ago
@dave14jones wrote:
Hey That’s really a good question……I think a good artist says no when he thinks he can not do justice with any design(and that’s very rare with them)……and a bad artist never says no… ;)
Agreed. There are some things I would never do for the money
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