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    • #23576

      Hey man, i feel you… i am kind of in the same position, maybe even a little worse cause there is not a single artist in my country that i would really love and respect, but they still all act like they r all demigods.

      I would suggest u go to some conventions, you can find a lot of artists that u might have never heard of and maybe you ll get lucky there. I found some cool dudes from the neighbour country like that… it can sometimes be faster going across the border then to the other side of your country so dont be strictly limited by your country… sweden is not that far, maybe germany, poland? Also try to at least be in somewhat of a friendly relationship before asking for any kind of help yet alone an apprenticeship… this will usually mean you get a tattoo or two from them.

      But hey, i am nowhere qualified to preach here… it is just how i am going about it.

      On the other hand, all this scratcher hate is a bit over exagerrated and borders to fear of competition. The fact is that most tattoo artists strated as scratchers and the resources used to be a lot more difficult to come by. What separates the good from the bad is ofc sheer talend and determination. If u stick with something and never stop being hungry for knowledge you are set to be good if not you are gonna suck. And the fact is, that even without an apprenticeship other artists in the industry will not be able to speak or look down on you if produce better work then they do…

      So if u ask me the whole scratcher/apprentice thing comes down to quality… you can have a bad mentor and u will come a scratcher out of an apprenticeship, or you can be selfthought but produce superb work and noone will care where u got the knowledge from.

    • #20820

      Has anyone seen those… Gnomon has some pretty sick tutorial, i finished a 3d modeling online class there and i learned a lot, so i bet these are packed with valuable information.

    • #23441

      Thx for your time man…

      yeah, i have the same opinion as far as dedication and success goes. And thx for sharing Bob Tyrrells story… i had heard of the man before but didnt know his story… quite inspirational.

      I think i was more referring to what the industry consensus was if there was one. Would artists here consider taking an older apprentice or would they always rather go for the 20 years old one. I find that now the older i get the better student i am becoming because i am more focused.

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