Lennart82 posted an update 10 years ago
Ive been away for far too long. Must have been strayed away. And perhaps confused by the forums new layout.
Soo what have I been up to?
A hell of a lot. Been tattooing. And going in debt with black and grey realism.
(I use my phone for everything, so when I know how, Ill post some recent work)
But wait. There is more. ;) Not only tattooing, but…[Read more] -
Ramenuzumaki started the topic Suggestions in the forum
Professional Tattoo Artists 10 years ago
I noticed some of the sections at the top of the forum were closed off so I couldn’t start a new thread for suggestions. I guess that would be my first one having them reopened maybe? Haha.
Another would be for the use of BBC coding instead of just HTML for the forum.
EX:Generally most forums use this kind of coding so most forum goers know…[Read more]
Ramenuzumaki started the topic Suggestions in the forum
Professional Tattoo Artists 10 years ago
I noticed some of the sections at the top of the forum were closed off so I couldn’t start a new thread for suggestions. I guess that would be my first one having them reopened maybe? Haha.
Another would be for the use of BBC coding instead of just HTML for the forum.
EX:Generally most forums use this kind of coding so most forum goers know…[Read more]
Ramenuzumaki started the topic Suggestions in the forum
Professional Tattoo Artists 10 years ago
I noticed some of the sections at the top of the forum were closed off so I couldn’t start a new thread for suggestions. I guess that would be my first one having them reopened maybe? Haha.
Another would be for the use of BBC coding instead of just HTML for the forum.
EX:Generally most forums use this kind of coding so most forum goers…[Read more]
Ramenuzumaki replied to the topic Shopping List in the forum Where to Buy the Tattoo Safe Gear? 10 years ago
Proper Bagging of Spray/Wash Bottles
Ramenuzumaki replied to the topic Shopping List in the forum Where to Buy the Tattoo Safe Gear? 10 years ago
Proper Bagging of Spray Bottles
The best way to do it is to cover the part with the liquid with saran wrap, then place a fold-lock sandwich bag over it. You then simply pinch a small but of the corner by the nozzle, and pull off a small piece, then pull the bag back over the nozzle. Remember to label your bottles if required by your…[Read more]
Ramenuzumaki started the topic Shopping List in the forum Where to Buy the Tattoo Safe Gear? 10 years ago
I am not a fan of the shopping list in the other topic, so I’m going to make my own. Now, as far as the other one goes it does have a few errors. Always use disposable. It is cheaper at first, but since you’re buying them forever it does end up being more expensive. However, it’s going to save you a lot of time, and money shelling out hundreds of…[Read more]
Ramenuzumaki started the topic Shopping List in the forum Where to Buy the Tattoo Safe Gear? 10 years ago
I am not a fan of the shopping list in the other topic, so I’m going to make my own. Now, as far as the other one goes it does have a few errors. Always use disposable. It is cheaper at first, but since you’re buying them forever it does end up being more expensive. However, it’s going to save you a lot of time, and money shelling out hundreds of…[Read more]
Ramenuzumaki replied to the topic Hi… in the forum
Professional Tattoo Artists 10 years ago
That’s good. I’ll mention the forums to Lenart, and such :3
Ramenuzumaki replied to the topic Hi… in the forum
Professional Tattoo Artists 10 years ago
Hey guys sorry I’ve been gone so long, haha. There was a while where there werent too many posts here, and I hadn’t had the time lately to keep checking, but I should be able to be active once more!
Welcome back Spider good to have you here :3
Ramenuzumaki changed their profile picture 10 years ago
Ramenuzumaki replied to the topic Flatline in the forum For Sale by Owner 10 years ago
Sorry I’ve been gone for ages, haha. This machine has been sold! Sorry guys!
Spider replied to the topic Adjusting coil machine for every skin in the forum My Machine Hates Me! 10 years ago
In time you will find set-ups and adjustments that work for you, do not be afraid to try new things and pay attention to how it works or doesn’t work for you.
The image attached I tried a new technique for me running my liner at about 7+ and using only a 9 mag with a 7rl for details and highlights. I found that this piece on a whole took me less…[Read more] -
Spider changed their profile picture 10 years ago
Spider replied to the topic Pracrice skin in the forum Post your work here 10 years ago
Always remember, NEVER be in a hurry. Slow down, take your time.
Spider replied to the topic Apprenticeship fees in the forum How to Get an Apprenticeship in 3 days or your money back! 10 years ago
Thought I would share this from Bob Baxter. For the newbies it might give a little insight into why shops are so hard to get into, and why artists prefer to see either A: you work your a** to the bone every single day, or B; pay for your apprenticeship. Read on…..(and yes this is far more the normal than the exception unfortunately),
The tattoo…[
Spider replied to the topic Hi… in the forum
Professional Tattoo Artists 10 years ago
Sorry I have been gone so long, went thru some awful personal stuff and made a bad choice in new hire artists that after the obligatory 6 month stint stole me blind and convinced one of my cliewnts to loan them the cash to open a shop 5 blocks from me. UGH! But back in full force now and even more determined than ever, hope all is well for the newbies….
Ramenuzumaki commented on the post, TeachMeToTattoo Version 4.0 10 years ago
I think something needs to be done to the top bar. It seems that even after you log in “Register,” and “Login” are still there without any indication you are logged in already. I only noticed this after logging in
Spider replied to the topic Wrapping a tattoo in the forum General Questions About Tattooing Safe 11 years ago
ok, HOLY HELL!!!! Is all I can think to say…..Let’s do the basics peeps.
Inside of plastic wrap the skin reaches temps of 103 degrees! 103!!!!! That’s higher than a dangerous temperature. Common mold grows at appx 77 degrees, fungus can thrive at 75 degrees! And let’s not forget everyone’s favorite STAPH INFECTIONS!!!!!! OI….. ok so here’s…[Read more]
Ramenuzumaki replied to the topic So many questions! in the forum How to Get an Apprenticeship in 3 days or your money back! 11 years ago
I havent used that one. Post a link to the kit if you can, and I’ll take a quick look :3
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