falconier replied to the topic need advice on my firsties in the forum Post your work here 12 years ago
thanks for the reply,
First off let me say this, if i sound arrogant or inconsideration i apologize i dont mean to be.
I wont get an apprenticiship because we have one shop in my area and they have no interest in anything of the sorts so thats not an option for me…sryI agree with everything else…i need help and i know it, thats why im…[Read more]
falconier replied to the topic need advice on my firsties in the forum Post your work here 12 years ago
nobody got anything for me?….or is it the forums are now dead?
falconier replied to the topic another first in the forum Post your work here 12 years ago
its prolly my eyes and the pic but it kinda looks like the lines are blow in spots. but its still good for another first
falconier replied to the topic Multiple Session Tattoos in the forum Design Ideas / Technique 12 years ago
@Mole_man69 wrote:
When starting the second session can u go straight into shading or do u have to redo the outlines again
I dont see a reason to redo something that should be pretty solid…if you need a touch up prolly so but other then that just shade it
falconier replied to the topic Polynesian/Maori in the forum Post your work here 12 years ago
@Rees wrote:
Three local shops wanted nothing to do with this, said it was too much work.
Very nice…did you do it yourself or what?
falconier replied to the topic Angle of penetration for lining in the forum Rants and Raves 12 years ago
@jtdaltonsr wrote:
Does anyone know this bit of important information???? When lining, do you hold the machine at a 45 degree angle from the side of the line, or do i hold the machine at a 45 and “push” the machine right over top of the line? i hope u guys understand my question.
push the line at a 45 and if your moving along the side then you’ll…[Read more]
falconier replied to the topic First in the forum Post your work here 12 years ago
well…you need to work on your line work and the shading looks alittle “shady” to me :)
not bad thou…better then the first one i done by fare.. -
falconier replied to the topic Prob with fake skin in the forum Design Ideas / Technique 12 years ago
I use fruit and the skin. skin is basically useless i think..i hate the sht , seems its to difficult to use and the fruit, well that just makes you think your a god or something…its that easy.
Skin is good for getting use to your machine while fruit will allow you to get use to the odd shape your gonna be working on like the arms or leg and…[Read more]
falconier replied to the topic new tattoo on inner left calf in the forum Post your work here 12 years ago
@Jester Ink wrote:
i’ve only shaded 2 of my tats, it isnt really messy to me. the following picture is what i set mine for. i don’t ride the tube tip either, i just (on myself) set my machine for that and go half of that into the skin. my problem is rushing and not getting a first good pass, now i’m slowing down and taking time, less touch ups. for…
falconier replied to the topic new tattoo on inner left calf in the forum Post your work here 12 years ago
@Jester Ink wrote:
since i posted that pic, recently got new needles (7rl) and did a few touch up areas and colored some in. 2 nights ago i added my 11th self tat, today somehow got it snagged and ripped one of the lines and ripped the ink right out, needless to say, it hurt worse than tatting it. all the chattin on this post is perfectly fine with…
falconier replied to the topic my first tattoo. in the forum Post your work here 12 years ago
how long did it take you to do the outline? size needle did you use?
falconier replied to the topic new tattoo on inner left calf in the forum Post your work here 12 years ago
@alligator eye wrote:
The depth of needle to apply ink is 1mm or less. I would never bury a needle 1/16. Just practice and “kiss” the line w/ tip and be consistent. Can’t give all my secrets…just keep practicing.
HAHAHA!!! In my opinion you just did…ty..benn looking for an answere like that for some time..ty again
falconier replied to the topic new tattoo on inner left calf in the forum Post your work here 12 years ago
@alligator eye wrote:
Falconier. I am by no means a top level pro, but I been doing it a little while. I hang my needle out, and “ride” the tip. Hard technique to get a hold of, but I can see the needle, where it’s going, and how deep I am going. I can also now “feel” my depth and drag, etccc… Practice. I hate fruit. Nothing compares to real…
falconier replied to the topic new tattoo on inner left calf in the forum Post your work here 12 years ago
@lewy26 wrote:
you could be moving to fast or you might not be going deep enough. i set my liner so 1/16th of the needle is out when the armature bar is held down then as im start to line i hold at 45 degree angle i aslo hold the tube with tip of my middle finger instead of like how you would hold a pen to write. hope this helps
When you set your…[Read more]
falconier replied to the topic New member, a bit about me. in the forum Post your work here 12 years ago
I actually like it…little rough looking but im thinking it was suppose to be that way…i like
falconier replied to the topic forums dead in the forum Rants and Raves 12 years ago
I hope so..lol…im looking forward to some knowledge :)
falconier replied to the topic Some Tattoo Pics in the forum Post your work here 12 years ago
Hand tattoo looks like that might of hurt alittle…damn, not for me :)
falconier replied to the topic New Schoolish in the forum Post your work here 12 years ago
Not bad..i like it, nice color
falconier replied to the topic First color in the forum Post your work here 12 years ago
How long did it take you if I may ask.
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