HaCkFiNdEr replied to the topic new work… on top of the world in the forum Post your work here 16 years ago
Too funny! HaCkFiNdEr!
Actually – What some people refer to as “single stack Mags” are what other refer to as Flats.
In my opinion, only thing that makes a MAG a “mag” is if it is WOVEN.“double stack” is not a MAG it is double Flat.
I appreciate you letting me know that I should not be tattooing. I hope you enjoy my Forum.
Do you have a…[
HaCkFiNdEr replied to the topic please some help required in the forum My Machine Hates Me! 16 years ago
NEVER try to teach yourself. You will end up with many bad habits. Get a apprenticeship anywhere you can , as long as you get your foot in the door. You wouldn’t trust a self taught surgeon would you?
HaCkFiNdEr replied to the topic new work… on top of the world in the forum Post your work here 16 years ago
@canvasyou wrote:
By single stack – do you mean woven?
You sir should not be tattooing if you need to ask questions like these in a public forum. Go do a real apprenticeship and you wont need to ask!
HaCkFiNdEr replied to the topic Harleyrose's first tattoo in the forum Post your work here 16 years ago
Not to bad. The only problem I see is that it looks to be done in a house.
HaCkFiNdEr replied to the topic My latest piece in the forum Post your work here 16 years ago
Line work is shaky, color is not consistent. The stomach color blending is just horrible. Practice on paper first!
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