HardyGirl90 replied to the topic Hi, there! I'm New… in the forum So Introduce Yourself! 15 years ago
I found that drawing book at the library by the way! Seems pretty helpful, its got a lot of info in there.
HardyGirl90 replied to the topic Whats up everyone!!! in the forum So Introduce Yourself! 15 years ago
Welcome to the forum =)
HardyGirl90 replied to the topic Hi, there! I'm New… in the forum So Introduce Yourself! 15 years ago
Thank you for the suggestion! I’ll definitely look for that book. I’m hoping to get the tattooing book on the website, too because where I live the only tattooing books I can find are Kat Von D…and well, I don’t know how people feel about her on here but I don’t like her, LOL.
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