• @Longbone wrote:

    If this is your very first tattoos, i look forward to se what you can do a year or two from now, youll be Amazing… :shock:

    Wow thank you very much Longbone. I hope to be fantastic.

  • @impress_me wrote:

    Wow! If these are your first tattoo’s I am so very impressed. I am very hard to impress and I think for your first tats these are the best I have ever seen. And to add the best I have seen on most of these kind of sites. You are very talented. I have a shop and would love to have your work in it. Do you have more? I would love to…

    [Read more]

  • @canvasyou wrote:

    Probably puffy because thats what happens when you tattoo – haha.. wasn’t trying to say good or bad – was just curious.
    If it was puffy, and you had done it a week ago – then I could be nervous.
    Yes, I would def. say that you have base skills that would be required – if these were your first 2 tattoos.
    I would recommend that you…

    [Read more]

  • @alldead wrote:

    They look pretty good to me. I really like the cross design. Awesome job. I can’t wait to see more pieces.

    Thank you so very much. I couldn’t wait to have some one on here look at these. I looked every day to see if i had a reply. I am so excited to see that I have some now. THANK YOU!

  • @canvasyou wrote:

    Looks good –
    did you do the kanji on the right leg first?
    looks a little puffy –
    really clean lines though – lets see it healed – thats the test

    Yes I did do the kanji first. Why is it puffy? I did the right leg first and did them both in one sitting. Thank you for the compliment. These are my very first tattoos and the first…[Read more]

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