inkster replied to the topic self taught 2 months in in the forum Post your work here 12 years ago
@Scratched75 wrote:
Always wanted to learn the art of Tattooing, but you know, bad life choices and next thing you know your 40…lol, Bought some stuff all disposable plastic tubes and grips, needles nothing from china, lol. Watched a few youtube videos, and away I went. Any tips good or bad please leave em.
I like it m8 keep it up not a lot of…[Read more]
inkster replied to the topic Coils Or Rotary? in the forum Best Tattoo Machines 12 years ago
I have a rotary kit from hildbrandt and as someone mentioned earlier there is no settting up just plug and play. I really like my rotary kit the only problem i have sometimes is needel stabalization someome recomended needel runner so i will look into this. I am also going to get a coil machine just so I can be familiar with both I also heard you…[Read more]
inkster replied to the topic my artwork in the forum Post your work here 12 years ago
@nytemareh wrote:
join the flash challenges in the art section. even if you think you can’t meet that standard. it will push you. draw everyday. start searching for your style. check out this link.
start learning shading, and using different pencils.… -
inkster replied to the topic my artwork in the forum Post your work here 12 years ago
@nytemareh wrote:
ok. well not one person expects picasso, or rembrandt. however, you need to work on your drawing more. I am sure you see that, but don’t make excuses for yourself like if you expect this then go look at this. your drawings have a raw skill set that can get better. focus, study, and become a better artist. look at ways to add more…
inkster replied to the topic new work… on top of the world in the forum Post your work here 12 years ago
@HaCkFiNdEr! wrote:
@canvasyou wrote:
By single stack – do you mean woven?
You sir should not be tattooing if you need to ask questions like these in a public forum. Go do a real apprenticeship and you wont need to ask!
you sir should not be in here. we would all like an apprenticeship but its just not that straight forward. I say keep it clean…[Read more]
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