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    • #20548

      it will be the top of the hand, so a bit thinner skin

    • #20544

      ok, something i just learned, you should adjust your voltage setting acording to the amount of voltage it takes to achieve a nickels depth while under the weight of our fingers touch to simulate the drag load while the skin is being penitrated.
      this sound right?

    • #20543

      oh, and yes i did buy the 4 machine kit from pirate face ,any coments on their stuff? good or bad is ok.
      thank you

    • #20541

      thank you for helping me out.
      i now realise it is all up to the particular machine, im just trying to establish a set of numbers to have a set of basic starting values for new work. im getting there, just got a little flusterated ( i know my spelling sucks)

      My next project is a large hand piece , so obviously i dont need to be guessing anymore.

    • #20538

      i bought the Grinder kit with its 4 machines, which all look the same. is there general a differnt setting for color fill and shading? Could any of you give me your advice on what you look for in needle penetration?

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