Shaggy replied to the topic First use of machine on fruit – questions in the forum How to Practice 12 years ago
@JDawnPearls wrote:
Now, the first thing I did was watch the DVD, read the book etc. My first time turning on the machine (pushing the pedal) I didn’t use ink or attempt anything because it was a mechanical / engineering lesson for me. So today I decided to add fruit and ink to the equation. I made some observations the first time I used the…
Lennart82 replied to the topic Pin Up pratice in the forum Original Flash 12 years ago
Thats going great with the fine pen :D
@JDawnPearls wrote:
It was per session, sorry. My piece wasn’t entirely a full back that I wanted, more like 3/4 since I have tattoos on the shoulder blades already. But yeah – its an hourly rate, so it all depends on the tattoo itself, what the guy can manage with the time But seeing his work is…
Ramenuzumaki replied to the topic How to practice in the forum Suggestions 12 years ago
@JDawnPearls wrote:
Hey! If I can manage the lessons with my kids running around, stealing my sketch pad and pens, etc. etc … you can find some time. LOL :-)
her kids even help sometimes
Lennart82 replied to the topic My turn I guess in the forum Post your work here 12 years ago
@JDawnPearls wrote:
That is tough. Your stencil has got to be good and you gotta go slow obviously, but man – I think what would work (only because I think only about how I would draw it) is to tattoo the man first and use him as a helpful reference for the perfect circle and square. Since the shapes touch the corners of his image – you can take it…
Lennart82 replied to the topic Biomechanical Themed Tattoo???? in the forum Design Ideas / Technique 12 years ago
I dont know if theres any flash book on BioMech. BUT I think that there might be a grand chance of it being out there. Hahaha, Its not easy coming up with anything not done before :D
@JDawnPearls wrote:
I love the sketch, I love love love it. I like the idea of shading a head of time (just like a practice) so if you use your original as a…
Spider replied to the topic Protection money for biker gangs? Or get destroyed…….. in the forum Rants and Raves 12 years ago
@einvalentine wrote:
Spider, how helpful has the graphic design education been toward actually tattooing?
Having an art background is a major plus IMO in tattooing. My other artist is currently working on his BA in fine arts. From my perspective classes like perspective, digital photography, even art history and color theory has a place in inking.…[Read more]
Ramenuzumaki replied to the topic Biomechanical Themed Tattoo???? in the forum Design Ideas / Technique 12 years ago
@JDawnPearls wrote:
I figured that would happen so I took a screen shot. Posted to my page – (photo space on this thread is full)
yeah this is mechanical, but ripping throught he skin. BioMech is Machinanical elements made from a biological…[Read more]
Infamous replied to the topic Jessica's For Fun sketches … in the forum Original Flash 12 years ago
@Ramenuzumaki wrote:
+1 literally made me laugh out loud
@Lennart82 wrote:
@Infamous wrote:
Magikarp evolves into Gyarados. POKEMON! lol
I never thought about that… Your right :D Pokemon is more then just a cartoon… It tells true stories :D
(Wonder why Pikachu never evolved… :?: )Pikachu nearly…[Read more]
Lennart82 replied to the topic Biomechanical Themed Tattoo???? in the forum Design Ideas / Technique 12 years ago
@JDawnPearls wrote:
Or this one – I like this one better, it is a better example of what I…
Lennart82 replied to the topic Jessica's For Fun sketches … in the forum Original Flash 12 years ago
@Infamous wrote:
Magikarp evolves into Gyarados. POKEMON! lol
I never thought about that… Your right :D Pokemon is more then just a cartoon… It tells true stories :D
(Wonder why Pikachu never evolved… :?: )@JDawnPearls wrote:
OK so here it is …. my second Koi sketch …. (not the idea I was talking about earlier), but nonetheless it adds…
Lennart82 replied to the topic Protection money for biker gangs? Or get destroyed…….. in the forum Rants and Raves 12 years ago
@Infamous wrote:
If you pay me a very hefty sum I’ll go ahead and move down there, infiltrate the gang, take care of all of them and then just move back home like nothing ever happened :twisted: for one billion dollars 8-)
Just 1 billion dollors???
Well okey, a proffesional hitman would be more expensive to take out well over 10.000 bikers from…[Read more] -
motleystan replied to the topic tattooing practice skin in the forum Post your work here 12 years ago
@JDawnPearls wrote:
I really can’t wait for my machine …. I bought a honeydew yesterday – for no reason since I have no machine yet – and I ate it …. all the while thinking about tattoos.
I liked those practice ones. Did you tape them to a body part to get the feel of the curves?
no i just laid it flat on the table 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-)
motleystan replied to the topic back piece in the forum Post your work here 12 years ago
@JDawnPearls wrote:
I agree with the red. Love it when color is used well. Good job.
thank you 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-)
Lennart82 replied to the topic Jessica's For Fun sketches … in the forum Original Flash 12 years ago
@JDawnPearls wrote:
It was actually off of a guide I chose where there was a plant behind the fish, and while I was drawing it I was thinking it looked more like seaweed. LOL – Oh well. Next time.
Actually a great lesson to be had here. Even though you see it, dosent mean it should be there. Remember to give everything your own touch, not just…[Read more]
Lennart82 replied to the topic My turn I guess in the forum Post your work here 12 years ago
@Ramenuzumaki wrote:
that looks great dude!
and yeah ive had that but then bitches never show up to let me do whatever I want on them :P
Yes, I cant believe that they will bale out ;)
@JDawnPearls wrote:
I like the tattoos you did and the coverup on the rose was well done. It looks clean and finished. You know I’m officially a fan, now.…
culuu replied to the topic my artworks. in the forum Original Flash 12 years ago
@JDawnPearls wrote:
I really enjoyed looking at your work. Your pencil drawings of the women are fantastic, how long did those take and did you use a guide ? (photo or real life?) …. I’m curious, your flash drawings are not at the same level (perhaps just not as much time on them)? You are an excellent artist, I would love to see you apply that…
Lennart82 replied to the topic My turn I guess in the forum Post your work here 12 years ago
@Wyki wrote:
Looks great Lennart. :mrgreen: I like it. Nice tones in it. The red goes fast so its all good. ;)
Thanks :D
Yeah I know, its just temp, but still cant wait for it to clear up :D@JDawnPearls wrote:
I like the Raven and the Skull. I am not a tattoo artist yet so I can’t comment on the technical side with the machine, but…
Lennart82 replied to the topic Tattoo Flowers sketch in the forum Original Flash 12 years ago
@JDawnPearls wrote:
I have been drawing all of my life, it sorta runs in the family. My brother is a tattoo artist, my other brother is an Art Professor and web designer. My grandmother was a professional painter and I have sold and painted oil commissions in Germany and the U.S. for a number of years. I have started looking at tattoo as a job…
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