Ladysinaz started the topic So i finally did it.. my first flesh tattoo in the forum Post your work here 11 years ago
There are a few blowouts that we are going to try and hide with shading.
I only wanted to do the outline at first then see what i messed up before going any further.The amount i was shaking tho, i’m impressed lol
Ladysinaz replied to the topic Anyone using the Rotary machines? in the forum Rants and Raves 11 years ago
Thank you :D
I thought the liner was suppose to go faster, i think it was the training video i got with the kit that said otherwise. Or i have been taking in so much info i just got confused.. I’ll have to check :)
Ladysinaz replied to the topic Anyone using the Rotary machines? in the forum Rants and Raves 11 years ago
I got the mini rotary kit from hildbrandt one is “set up” as a liner and one as a shader. there is a noticeable sound difference from one to the other. The liner is much louder than the shader, but still less than half the racket as my coil.
I have also noticed that when i take my foot off the pedal that the needle may or may not be still…[Read more]
Ladysinaz replied to the topic Scabbing in the forum Apprentice Folly 11 years ago
@Ramenuzumaki wrote:
Ive been getting tattooed for 6 years, and been tattooing for three, and I’ve never had an issue with ink or anything during any of my tattoos. Probably putting way to much on, or putting it on too early. I always let my tattoos air dry for at LEAST one hour before applying my after care product. This way I am not locking in…
Ladysinaz replied to the topic Scabbing in the forum Apprentice Folly 11 years ago
I’ve found that the ointments have a nasty habit of sucking ink out.
For example i used to use those, i would apply some and use a paper towel to blot the excess. i had the imprint of the tattoo on the paper towel, it’s like it would keep it open to ooze longer.
Vitamin E ointment was a big goto around here for a long time. the drug stores got…[Read more] -
Ladysinaz replied to the topic Scabbing in the forum Apprentice Folly 11 years ago
I have found that washing the tattoo thoroughly with antibacterial dishsoap and making sure all of that slimyness of the plasma is gone.
Gently pat it dry with new clean papertowel and applying non scented, non alcohol ,moisturizing lotion to be the best i have found so far for keeping color, and avoiding scabs.Once it starts getting that shiny…[Read more]
Ladysinaz replied to the topic I wouldn't call it artwork per se in the forum Post your work here 11 years ago
Thanks for the input shaggy
The feather i know is a complete shit show. I had a power supply, but it all of the sudden wouldn’t work, so i plugged into one that my bf uses to charge his RC batteries.. so it was straight 12v the whole time lol
The whole first melon was done with that set up using a cheap coilThe second melon is done with my new…[Read more]
Ladysinaz replied to the topic I wouldn't call it artwork per se in the forum Post your work here 11 years ago
I’m actually quite well versed in most things tattoo, right down to making needles. The actual tattooing part is where i haven’t really delved into much.
I have a laundry list of skins waiting to go and would probably let me go right now. But that is not me, they are my friends and although i couldn’t possibly do much worse than what is already…[Read more] -
Ladysinaz replied to the topic I wouldn't call it artwork per se in the forum Post your work here 11 years ago
lol feel free
Ya won’t hurt my feelingIt’s all free hand, no stencil.
Not sure how i’ll so following one yet -
Ladysinaz replied to the topic Do my eyes deceive me? in the forum So Introduce Yourself! 11 years ago
And i’m back.. been working hard on my body art business. We have added Facepainting, Body painting, and a list of other stuff.
I had this little ebay kit or something kicking around and was playing around with it. i hadn’t touched it in a while so the top rubber o ring thing was just about dust.. womp womp.. I was getting pin striping stuff for…[Read more] -
Ladysinaz replied to the topic Apprenticeship Woes in the forum How to Get an Apprenticeship in 3 days or your money back! 13 years ago
This is an example of why i think that it is difficult to get apprenticeships..
I have worked in tattoo shops as general “get shit done person”, not as a tattoo artist.. but this is more the kind of thing i have seen.I have yet to actually see with my own eyes, someone cough up money, go in and get taught..
I get that you have to be the shop…[Read more] -
Ladysinaz replied to the topic Needle disposal in the forum General Questions About Tattooing Safe 13 years ago
@Tarantula wrote:
I just saw a post on another forum that I belong to, some guy was asking where to dispose of his sharps container, one of the answers was this:
“Probably illegal – but I wondered if you could get rid through a diabetic? Not sure if type 1’s are provided with disposable bin? Will ask my sis in law as she will know.
Otherwise my…
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