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    • #21533

      Impressed actually nice lines fairly consistent and smooth. Keep it up!

    • #19204

      Plastic wrap is a disaster waiting to happen! Being an invasive procedure it is a wound and needs to always be treated as such. Anytime the body is wounded it will do its natural thing and bleed and seep. Part of this process of seepage is why a tattoo stays there instead of being carried away by the bodies natural foreign entity process. The body is sending blood to the wound as the foreign entity (ink) is there and it wants to was it out of the system. Basically the tattoo is an infection and the body is just trying to get rid of it. Being the tattoo ink is made so that the particles can not be carried away, the body isolates the tattoo and holds it there to isolate the infection. This whole process needs to breath in order for healing to occur properly. Right after the tattoo is done is the point at which the body is doing the most work that it can so there is seepage. They make bandages that can be used with the help of medical tape that allow the wound to breath as it needs to so freaking use them. for those worried about dirt… Wash that Rascal!!!!

    • #21515

      Canvasyou, sweet vid on the new site and love the look of it. When will the new forums be up? And do you need help? Message me if you do.

    • #19952

      Outstanding rose! Nice job on all of the blends. Like the subtle in the stem very well done.

    • #21518

      They are outta hand in here, I already know how to convert any thing to another format and will tell all for free…lmfao

    • #15987

      I have used as much as 20 pairs of gloves during a massive outline. Gloves are cheap and having 5 to 10 boxes around should be norm, if you are going to work on people, be ready to use gloves. Even while practicing wear gloves and deal with what you are doing like you are working on a person. If the possibility of CC is there change! It trains you to do it when it counts, and keeps equipment clean. Barriers are nice, but if I have to touch a bottle or power supply I always change gloves. Just good habit!

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