mariajohn replied to the topic What is the best way to get tattoo ink out of the carpet? in the forum 101 Stupid Mistakes 11 years ago
Hi every one
First: we here to share our experience, and posts here is new advice and tips and please do not fight because you just do not like others reply. :)
Second: here is some advices about how to clean Ink out of Carpet ,
1- As soon as possible after the spill, grab a clean cloth and some rubbing alcohol. Wet a corner of the cloth with…[Read more]
mariajohn replied to the topic First use of machine on fruit – questions in the forum How to Practice 11 years ago
:idea: Great tips here and i really had some new info, thanks for good work.
mariajohn replied to the topic Machines in the forum My Machine Hates Me! 11 years ago
Hi PacificParanoia and every one
Check my small tip below:
There are a number of features on a tattoo machine to point out. The machine has a power supply and a foot switch. This runs all the power and voltage to the machine so you can control the rate of ink that flows through the needle attached to the machine as you create the tattoo. The…[Read more]
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