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    • #25289

      Hi every one

      First: we here to share our experience, and posts here is new advice and tips and please do not fight because you just do not like others reply. :)

      Second: here is some advices about how to clean Ink out of Carpet ,

      1- As soon as possible after the spill, grab a clean cloth and some rubbing alcohol. Wet a corner of the cloth with rubbing alcohol and blot the ink stain. It’s imperative that you do not scrub the stain — that will exacerbate your problem. Dab gently at it, absorbing it up into the fibers of your cloth.

      Start at the edge and work your way to center, preventing the stain from spreading and become a larger problem. Work in a clockwise twisting motion with your rag.

      2- Dab the wet rag over the ink spot repeatedly, occasionally re-wetting the cloth with more alcohol. Get comfy, because the alcohol needs to sit on it for about 30 minutes. It needs to literally eat it away, which can take time. Keep at it!

      3- To avoid damage, rinse the area with warm water and vinegar. A quarter cup of vinegar for a quart of warm water is a good ratio (that’s 1:16). The rubbing alcohol may dry out your carpet, depending on its texture, so it’s a good idea to give it this rinsing.

      If the stain is gone, rinse finally with clean water and let dry. Vacuum the area if the fibers are a bit wonky.

      4- If the stain persists, cover it with shaving cream. Let it sit for 15 minutes. When the clock is up, scoop it away and blot with the aforementioned vinegar and water mixture.

      By now, the stain should definitely be gone. Rinse it with plain water and marvel at your spotless carpet!

    • #25870

      :idea: Great tips here and i really had some new info, thanks for good work.

    • #26904

      Hi PacificParanoia and every one

      Check my small tip below:

      There are a number of features on a tattoo machine to point out. The machine has a power supply and a foot switch. This runs all the power and voltage to the machine so you can control the rate of ink that flows through the needle attached to the machine as you create the tattoo. The machine also has features that help the artist maintain control over needle depth, force of application for the ink, and the speed at which the tattoo is created. Other features are based on whether it is a long stroke or short stroke machine, which adds features related to width, length, stiffness, tension and angles that that artist can create.To get the best quality from the tattoo machine, it’s all about the person using it. And now for me when i need Tattoo machine, i check Amazon first, so check this link for Liner machines, Click here

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