masterofnone replied to the topic Making grey wash in the forum Pigment vs. Ink 13 years ago
What’s the deal here is Intenze ink that bad? I don’t particularly care for it but it’s plastered everywhere on the net HOW MANY PROS ACTUALLY USE IT?
masterofnone replied to the topic Machine frame material in the forum My Machine Hates Me! 13 years ago
I understand how machines work. What I’m getting at is ferrous frames no matter the type of metal have what is called magnetic memory and it can causes interruptions in the magnetic bloom of the coils. This leads to power loss and poor consistency of power flow. I’ve read up a little since the post and I understand some metals this can happen…[Read more]
masterofnone replied to the topic freedom ink in the forum Pigment vs. Ink 13 years ago
What’s up yea I got the freedom ink as well however it did not say on the bottle not for use on human skin. The kit was from hildnrandt and they said its practice ink because of the low pigment content and would fade in skin more. But despite I did use some green to fill in a bottle on a tat on my leg. It looks good and went in easy compared to…[Read more]
masterofnone replied to the topic Inks that dont seem to flow (is it me?) in the forum Pigment v. Ink 13 years ago
The first kit I got was a inkstar from hildbrandt came with freedom ink as practice ink I’ve used it a little here and there not bad goes in easy bu don’t know if it will last. The reason why I created this post was because I did a piece.on my leg with flames using intenze bright orange and some starbright white and I could not get the ink to take…[Read more]
masterofnone replied to the topic Inks that dont seem to flow (is it me?) in the forum Pigment v. Ink 13 years ago
Being that I’m relatively new to skin art I haven’t had to much opportunity to use a broad amount of products. Today I just laid a small piece on my wrist using Intenze true black lined and fill solid. It was sweet but the ink was different it seemed like there was alot of alcohol in it went in nice but dries
out alot faster than others no…[Read more]
masterofnone replied to the topic Top 10 Ink's in the forum Suggestions 13 years ago
I just picked up some alla prima prima black and its sweet goes in like warm butter on toast I’m suprised I haven’t heard anyone talking about it heals dark as Dynamic but u can create your own graywash simply with water or wh . Any feedback welcome. PS anyone had problems with intenz bright orange.
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