MayhemInk replied to the topic needle depth in tube in the forum Apprentice Folly 11 years ago
The nickel dime thing isn’t set in stone. just use it as a starting point. then when you press the a bar down see how much throw you have then start your machine and adjust the voltage up until your machine is reaching this full throw, then usually turn up about a half more volt. then touch the a bar with your thumb to bog the machine down and…[Read more]
MayhemInk replied to the topic bruising??? in the forum Apprentice Folly 11 years ago
My first tattoo I had years back was a dumb arm band and I had it wrap all the way around the inside of my upper arm. I had a lot of bruising. the whole underside of my arm had all the colors of the rainbow lol. And Im not one to bruise easy either. which was weird. prob the only time I can think of that I had ever had a bruise like that.…[Read more]
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