memmnock replied to the topic A real SCRATCHER! in the forum Rants and Raves 11 years ago
The boy hasnt a clue what it was supposed to be? The scratcher just drew it on freehand drunk i think lol ..Although its a shame for him..its his own fault for paying someone £20 to do that :(
memmnock replied to the topic A real SCRATCHER! in the forum Rants and Raves 11 years ago
I have a worse example Len :o
A boy from the next village contacted me on FB and asked me if i could repair his home tattoo done by someone he paid £20 for. It was a cover up of a home tattoo so there are 2 tattoo’s on his arm but how the hell do you start on this mess?
I wouldn’t know where to start and would NEVER attempt to repair this…[Read more]
memmnock replied to the topic Just wanted to BRAG a bit in the forum Rants and Raves 11 years ago
Thats great news Len..onwards and upwards mate ;)
memmnock replied to the topic SIZE 12 ROUND TIPS/TUBES? in the forum Rants and Raves 11 years ago
Yes len i was using them for single lines between flowers and swirls i done which was a good thickness and went in well but just cant get them anywhere?
memmnock replied to the topic My 1st attempts at Tattooing in the forum Post your work here 11 years ago
Christa a butcher a butcher will gladly give you their pig skin for very little money as they throw the skin in the bin! I get mine for nothing as my wife works in a butchers shop :lol: you should see my freezer my god its full and i just keep adding to it!
Thanks len..im trying to get more time in practicing now as im wanting to do it all the…[Read more]
memmnock replied to the topic My 1st attempts at Tattooing in the forum Post your work here 11 years ago
memmnock replied to the topic Work in progress in the forum Post your work here 11 years ago
will be nice to see the tattoo evolving as it goes on! how often is the guys sitting for you?
memmnock replied to the topic My 1st attempts at Tattooing in the forum Post your work here 11 years ago
A cheshire cats face that took 70min as i didnt have anymore time :( Turned out ok though except the writing! Its started in a circle above the cats face and because i was holding and stretching the skin it has stayed that way squint :lol: This would have been ok on real skin as its elastic and goes back i know but i wasnt happy and was gonna…[Read more]
memmnock replied to the topic Some work in the forum Post your work here 11 years ago
It says your library is private?
memmnock replied to the topic My 1st attempts at Tattooing in the forum Post your work here 11 years ago
Thanks raz, i have allot of m1 and m2 so will try those on pigskin to see the effects of those!
memmnock replied to the topic My 1st attempts at Tattooing in the forum Post your work here 11 years ago
Thanks infamous that makes sense!
My best friend let me do his star sign the ram today on his ankle to get a better feel on skin and it felt really easy going in and tried shading techniques in the blackout area before i filled it in! I used a 5 round liner and 5 flat to fill it, should i have done it in any other needle group? it went in at…[Read more] -
memmnock replied to the topic My 1st attempts at Tattooing in the forum Post your work here 11 years ago
Len, see when you stretch the skin (human) does it allow the ink to go in easier and not have to keep going over it over and over which would prob damage it? Ive done my forearm with my 3 kids names on it with a wall surrounding it. Its all just made up from imagination and im starting shading the blocks in the wall with the kurosumi cherry wash…[Read more]
memmnock replied to the topic My 1st attempts at Tattooing in the forum Post your work here 11 years ago
memmnock replied to the topic My 1st attempts at Tattooing in the forum Post your work here 11 years ago
This portrait stuff sounds hard :lol: Dont know if i shud be doing it this quick then? The main thing i dont have is time due to work but will try to get more practice in and get it posted as your comment help and i dont make the same mistake twice as you learn from your mistakes ;)
The no line rule in portrait makes sense as it would look…[Read more]
memmnock replied to the topic My 1st attempts at Tattooing in the forum Post your work here 11 years ago
Hi Lenn, It is my 1st attempts! Ive always been good at replicating images but not making them up as an artist would do :|
I will give a face a try and some shading in it, i dont really know what i should use needle wise but id think i would use a 3 liner for fine lines and shade off them so there are no hard outlines? and use a 13 & 29 curved…[Read more]
memmnock replied to the topic My 1st attempts at Tattooing in the forum Post your work here 11 years ago
Thanks ramen. ;)
I am going to try the watering down of the 3 different shades in each set of the kurosumi ink. I love the bronze set the best as i think it has a nice sepia tone to it :)
Im going to start trying portraits with soft shading as these interest me the best :)
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